salut je voudrai savoir si il est possible de joué a HL2 en réseau avec la beta
réponse ( en bas)
Hé ben je crois bien que didi y est arrivé ( a confirmé)
t sur? tu peut lui demander comment? parce que je peut juste créer des serveur mais ya pas grand monde
Oui mais qu´ en reseau local
Car, il n´ y a pas encore de serveurs steam
s´ est expliqué sur mon tuto comment faire
ok merci au moin j´aurai essayer
tu peut toujours t´ ammuser a créé un serveur web
Tu vera la reponse de valve
en parlant de valve ya un gars qui leur a envoyer un e-mail mais c vraiment con . j´espere pour vous que vous comprener l´anglais:-). le voici:
Dear devellopers,
I must say that, as a fan of Half-Life, I´ve been following very closely the developpement of Half-Life 2. However, in this ultra-realistic game, it seems that there is something important missing : what does Gordon eats in the end ? Don´t be mad at me : a game can´t be REALISTIC if the main character never eat or drink. Come on, right now the only thing we can presume Gordon eat is bits of eatcrabs. And I guess he drink directly from the poisonnous products of the black mesa. This would cost the life of our beloved hero. Of course, this doesn´t go up to any reality if Gordon don´t... well, you know, take a shit. I am no specialist, but I guess if you don´t take a shit when you are full, there must be some very annoying side-effects. Also, taking a piss from time to time is a necessity. Not doing so would affect the precision of the aiming and the smoothness of the moves.
I suggest that Gordon must have an equilibrated diet to survive. Too much fat would cost him health points. The satisfaction factor would be important too. Why don´t you make him craving for smoked bacon Lays ? I don´t know, like, if he stays three days without eating some, he keeps passing comments about how bad he want some. That would be both funny and realistic as chips are a thing people are used to buy in great quantity and create habituation.
I would like to finish this e-mail by reminding you about the extreme seriousness of this request.This would make a unique gaming experience for total immersion and player control.
alors si vous trouver que c pas une bonne idée(moi je trouve que non...) ben vener pas... vous savé quoi
remarque, ca pourrais etre sympa ^^.
Mouais, je trouve ke serait une bonne idée, ca donnerait une utilité aux canettes des distribs, cela pourrait remplacer les medikits traditionnels. Enfin dans hl3 peut etre...
Of course, this doesn´t go up to any reality if Gordon don´t... well, you know, take a shit
ce gars est compltement dingue
avec un gros *PLOUFF*.
ou on peu la trouver la beta de half-life 2.est-ce qu´elle est assez stable, et pa trop buguée. Merci
donne nous ton mail on t´envoie un lien
I am no specialist, but I guess if you don´t take a shit when you are full, there must be some very annoying side-effects
mais completement dingue
j´ ai un êut de mal a suivre la.....
merci pour vo commentaire sa encourage moi et mon ami de continuer mais je croix qu´on va s´areté là. c´est déja bien assez comme sa vous trouver pas?
vraiment j´adore ce mec :
" Also, taking a piss from time to time is a necessity. Not doing so would affect the precision of the aiming and the smoothness of the moves. "
il a recu une reponse ?
vraiment j´adore ce mec :
" Also, taking a piss from time to time is a necessity. Not doing so would affect the precision of the aiming and the smoothness of the moves. "
il a recu une reponse ?
ya pa kelkun ki konaitrai un lien direct pour la béta...(je sai kil y a tré tré peu de chances . ..chui mm pa sur kil en éxiste...) paske emule ste mrd c tro lon...