images images imagesssssssssssssssssssss !! ! j´en veux plus argggggggggggggg
11:34: Reiterates backwards compatibility to all previous Nintendo titles and the need for the controller to function with it. Said after back and forth and taking in all the needs, they arrived (back) at the remote control concept.
Bon télécharger les jeux est payant ou gratuit ?
Héhé le début d´une longue collaboration ? Le nostalgique que je suis est aux anges
Les mecs, que le monde est beau !
Miyamoto is God ? ô_Ô
Je vais de ce pas réserver la Revolution moi !
ca arrive !! ! zelda DS !!
------------------ > aqu coeur du GDC> derniers news, conférence Nintendo quasi-live avec les news complétes, WALOU ! Zelda DS et infos Revo ! ça arrive !! !!
11:38: Most important story is still to be told: how developers will work with the new consoles. Huge amounts of money are needed to market games, to create the elaborate graphics, etc.
19.38: "New is good, but there is also an appetite for old" - for kids, classic games are new, for adults they´re a way to relive old experiences, Iwata says. So Sega Mega Drive games will be available through Virtual Console, and this applies to Hudson software as well.
enfin la révo !! !!!
non non non dit pas ca jai connu la NES c ma 1ere console,ensuite la N64 en sutie la PS1 et ensuite la gamecube et javé plein de jeus sur nes meme ke mon prefere c t mario bros 3 c juste ke ca sert a rien de repayé c tout alors ke tu pt les refaire sur pc
11:38: Most important story is still to be told: how developers will work with the new consoles. Huge amounts of money are needed to market games, to create the elaborate graphics, etc. Elaborates on Nintendo´s desire to do something different -- provide solutions for people with great ideas.
sachez qu´il faudra payé pour les D/L
apparement des jeux Sega Genesis seront dispo
jveu des images !! ! alor c koi le plus important ki devait etre di ?? ??
Elaborates on Nintendo´s desire to do something different -- provide solutions for people with great ideas. Nintendo understands importance of graphics. Games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid will all look better than ever. But those will not be the only types of games.
En gros on aura des graphismes pouri lol :p
11:38: Most important story is still to be told: how developers will work with the new consoles. Huge amounts of money are needed to market games, to create the elaborate graphics, etc. Elaborates on Nintendo´s desire to do something different -- provide solutions for people with great ideas. Nintendo understands importance of graphics. Games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid will all look better than ever. But those will not be the only types of games.
11:38: Most important story is still to be told: how developers will work with the new consoles. Huge amounts of money are needed to market games, to create the elaborate graphics, etc. Elaborates on Nintendo´s desire to do something different -- provide solutions for people with great ideas. Nintendo understands importance of graphics. Games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid will all look better than ever. But those will not be the only types of games.
traduction!!! traduction!!!! please