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Sujet : Animé et scans Naruto

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Jouez et tentez de remporter des places de cinéma ainsi que des goodies du film Kraven The Hunter
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Ethereal Ethereal
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 10:04:25

Ca à l´air interessant. Attendons la trad.

Gai Gai
Niveau 9
22 juin 2006 à 11:07:01


blaster48 blaster48
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 11:20:14

ses pas le pays de la roche ? il resemble vachement a kisame le gars

Indokiller Indokiller
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 11:42:21
  • SPOIL*

Apparement les 2 mec de l´akatsuki essaye d´attraper la fille qui doit etre un Jinchuruki (me souviens jamais de l´ortho :) )

Indokiller Indokiller
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 11:43:06

Ah deja dit, j´avais pas vu ton poste Gai :-)

Indokiller Indokiller
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 11:49:43

Petite trad en anglais pour les bilingies :-p

A Silently Approaching Menace

Page 2

Frame 1, Naruto:
... surpass you, Kakashi-sensei...?

Frame 1, Text:
What is the training...!?

Frame 2, Kakashi:

Frame 5, Kakashi:
During this training I´ll be with you the whole time... Also, it´s going to be quite different from any training you´ve had so far

Frame 6, Naruto:
... Wh... what will we be doing...?

Frame 7, Kakashi:
You´ll develop an ultimate ninjutsu to call your own

Page 3

Frame 2, Kakashi:
In other words, I´m going to have you learn a new ninjutsu grater than even rasengan... However, in order to acquire such power one much spend an equal and massive amount of time and effort to do so

Frame 3, Kakashi:
It´s not like you´re going to get stronger overnight, like the main character of some novel... And this is completely different from learning something like rasengan, a previously thought of jutsu that you can be carefully taught

Frame 4, Naruto:
A massive amount of time...? We just told you, we don´t have any more time left! Sasuke´s going to...

Frame 5, Kakashi:
Yeah, but I thought of a way to do it all in a short period of time.

Frame 7, Naruto:
H... How´s that...?

Frame 7, Kakashi:
Well, you see...

Page 4 (Cue timely entrance of Team Asuma for cliffhanging effect)

Frame 1, Ino:
Asuma-sensei, you´re supposed to knock, you know!?

Frame 1, Chouji:

Frame 1, Asuma:
How´s the body doing, Kakashi?

Page 5

Frame 1, Shikamaru:
Hey, if it isn´t Naruto and Sakura! Did the mission already...

Frame 4, Shikamaru:
I remember you...

Frame 5, Chouji:

Frame 7, Sai:
Nice to see you

Page 6

Frame 2, Tsunade:
Good job on the report

Frame 2, ANBU:
I´ll be going then

Frame 4, Shizune:
Akatsuki as finally making serious moves... It´s only a matter of time before they pay a visit to our neck of the woods
(Hurrah for corny translations!)

Frame 5, Tsunade:
... Granted, this is becoming quite the problem, but it´s also a chance for us to take care of them

Frame 6, Tsunade:
It´s about time we stop messing around

Page 7

Frame 4, Chouji:
Oh, was that all it was?

Frame 5, Sai:
My name is Sai. Please, don´t worry about using any name-suffixes with me.

Frame 6, Ino:
Wow... You know, he does look pretty good... and he has a face similar to Sasuke-kun...

Page 8

Frame 1, Sakura:
Yeah, but he acts completely different from how he looks... And he´s socially clueless

Frame 3, Shikamaru:
I heard about Sasuke from Tsunade... I´ll help you out next time, if something comes up... Those pain in the ass Chuunin Exams are finally over with, after all

Frame 5, Naruto:

Page 9

Frame 1, Asuma:
You guys can go ahead to "Yakiniku Q"... And if everyone from Team Kakashi wants, you can come along too
(Yakiniku is a type of BBQ popular in Japan)

Frame 2, Chouji:

Frame 2, Ino:
I´m in!

Frame 2, Ino (Thought):
I think I´ll sit next to Sai!

Frame 3, Asuma:
I need to talk with Kakashi alone... And I´ll take care of the bill for the yakiniku

Frame 4, Naruto:
... hey, wait a sec!! So aren´t you going to tell me about the training, Kakashi-sensei?

Frame 5, Kakashi:
... that´s right... hmm... Well! Well just do it later

Frame 6, Naruto:
Huh! But I want to know now!

Page 10

Frame 1, Sign:
Yakiniku Q
(Probably a play on the word "BBQ")

Frame 2, Sakura:
Hey! Where´s Shikamaru?

Frame 3, Chouji:
He said he had to get back to help his dad go get some horns to use in medicine

Frame 4, Ino:
Huh... He´s always really good at showing up for meetings about our missions... this´s pretty strange for him...

Frame 5, Chouji:
Oh well! I got dibs on his food!!

Frame 6, Ino:
Chouji! Before you eat we need to introduce ourselves to Sai!

Frame 6, Chouji:
Ah, guess you´re right...

Page 11

Frame 1, Sai:
... please, go ahead...

Frame 1, Sai:
First impressions are important for getting to know people better... better think of some nicknames quick...

Frame 2, Chouji:
Umm, I´m Akimichi Chouji of the Akimichi Clan... Nice to meet you, err, Sai, was it?

Frame 3, Sai:
Nice to meet you too, umm...

Frame 3, Sai (Thought):
Characteristics... Characteristics...

Frame 4, Sakura:
He wouldn´t...

Frame 5, Naruto:
He´s not going to say the "forbidden word", is he?

Frame 6, Sai:
... Fa...

Page 12

Frame 2, Naruto:
Sai! Don´t ever say that word in front of Chouji! Got it?

Frame 3, Chouji:
Did you start to say something just now?

Frame 3, Sakura:
Ahaha... No, it´s nothing...

Frame 3, Sai:
Nicknames sure are hard...

Frame 4, Ino:
I´m Yamanaka Ino, daughter of the Yamanaka Flower Shop! Nice to meet you!

Frame 5, Sai:
With women, if you tell them exactly how they look they get mad at you... So if I say the reverse then everything will be all right

Frame 6, Sai:
Nice to meet you... Umm...

Page 13

Frame 1, Sai:
Ms. Beautiful

Frame 4, Sakura:
Why the hell is it "beautiful" with Ino! Shaannaroo!

Frame 4, Sai:

Page 14

Frame 4, Woman:

Page 15

Frame 2, Voice:
Good job dodging there

Frame 3, Voice:
Hmm... My attack speed is the slowest in Akatsuki, so I just can´t hit anything, really

Frame 5, Woman:
I see... So you two are from Akatsuki

Frame 6, Voice 2:
You´re the only one left

Page 16/17

Frame 1, Hidan:
But really, you´re not all that bad, I´d say

Frame 1, Text:
Akatsuki becomes seriously active... A new pair makes their appearance!!

Frame 2, Kakuzu:
Hey, Hidan, this one is the "Two-tails" jinchuuriki... If you let your guard down, you´re dead

Frame 3, Hidan:
Like there´s any need to tell *me* that, Kakuzu...

blaster48 blaster48
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 11:53:11

rien compri :lol:

Ethereal Ethereal
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 11:56:06

Pfff, voila, Naruto se la joue à DBZ, avec la surrenchère de puissance.

Un jutsu plus puissant que le Rasengan, alors que celui ci était en quelque sorte "l´ultime" du Yondaime... Mais ou va t on!

Gai Gai
Niveau 9
22 juin 2006 à 12:05:00

elle est pas bizarre l´arme de lotre de l´akatsuki?? il vient de quel village lui?? le même que celui de zabuza,non?

Et lotre? on dirait qu´il vient du pays de la roche mais pas des même ninjas qu´on voit ds kakashi gaiden, mais il a plutôt le même bandanna que ceux qui ont été tué par gaara juste avant sasuke,non?

et l´habit de la femme de kumo no kuni qui est pousuivie, il ressemble pas trop à celui de Sai???

Indokiller Indokiller
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 12:06:42

Oui c´est vrai j´ai pensé que c´etait le frere de Sai sur la premiere image ou elle apparait ^^

Gai Gai
Niveau 9
22 juin 2006 à 12:32:15

on c´est au moins leur nom de l´aka: Hidan et kikuzu. Vous avez vu le positionnement de leur bague? quelequ´un pourrait trad leur symbole svp?

Sinon la femme poursuivi, elle possède le demon à 2 queues...Faudrait qu´elle survive ou résiste un peu, ce serait dommage sinon.

Pour l´entrainement de naruto, je sens qu´il va y avoir une sorte de salle du temps!!!!!MOUWAHAAHAAA!!!

Ethereal Ethereal
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 12:37:35

Naruto, ça part en cacahuète. :)

Indokiller Indokiller
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 12:51:20

Ethereal c´est normal puisqu´il faut que naruto rattrape son retard sur Sazuké :-)

blaster48 blaster48
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 13:04:33

je pense que sa va être un truc comme la portection du chidori de sasuke et puis yondaime n´avait pas que le rasengan il avait aussi la technique de déplacement du dieu de la foudre qui était sa préférer d´ailleur

Ethereal Ethereal
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 13:39:35

Le Shunshuin no Jutsu?

Oui, mais c´est pas ce jutsu la qu´apprendra Naruto, il va apprendre un truc plus puissant que le rasengan. :hum:

blaster48 blaster48
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 13:42:25

j´ai pas dit que naruto aller apprendre cette technique :-)

itachilapoisse2 itachilapoisse2
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 19:37:03

la guele des akatsukien.........aucune classe ,heureusment que ya itachi et sasori pour remonter le niveau :)

Indokiller Indokiller
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 20:25:24

Pour eux qui ne l´aurai pas, voici la trad

-Jeff-hardy- -Jeff-hardy-
Niveau 10
22 juin 2006 à 22:40:50

indokiller t´ assure merci encore :)

Cait-Sith2 Cait-Sith2
Niveau 9
23 juin 2006 à 15:33:19

le chat a 2 queues:TERRIFIANT!!

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