"I'm not a hero, just an old killer"
Pour moi c'est la meilleure, j'aime beaucoup les répliques des jeux Metal Gear en général de toute façon.
"Rien est vrai,tout est permis!"
d'Altair d'Assassin's creed
Bon c'est la seule chose qui m'est venus!
Timesplitter : Future Perfect => "Time to SPLIT" :p
"puisse son chemin mener le héros à la triforce" Zelda3
"it's my story" Tidus ffX
"j'ai failli attendre" Sonic
"Dieu m'a crée pour draguer les gonzesse"
Duke Nuken sur SNS
"don't try this at home"
"oh my god, the robbery is dead"
Capitaine-Falcon: "show me a move!"
Dans no more heroes :
"mister sir henry motherfucker, he head it out! what a pussy!"
et plein d'autres de ce jeu ,il y en a tellement
pour ma part c'est celle de leon au début de resident evil 4 : "where are they going? bingo?" elle est excellente!!!
Sephiroth:Je ne serais jamais un souvenir
Carla: Donc soit vous êtes un fou, soit vous êtes un héros...
Lucas: Ni l'un ni l'autre, j'étais juste au mauvais endroit au mauvais moment.
C'est peut-être pas exactement ça, mais voilà, tout est dit.
Je sais plus de qui : "You can think I'm weong, but that's no reason to quit thinking"
sangoku quand il dit: Kaaa Meeee Haaaaa Meeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Resident Evil 3 Nemesis:
Nicholaï: " Leur raison de t'éliminer ne me concerne pas. Le montant n'est pas faramineux, mais ils offrent tout de même une récompense pour ta mort".
En anglais c'est super dans le jeu.
Mais c'est dans mario 64 quand la peach dis.
Mais ou ai je mis mon sexe toad
Je ne sais pas si il a déja été cité (et désolé si c'est le cas)
le célébre "Let's Rock" de Dante ( Devil May Cry ) =)
La plus populaire des fans de Nintendo:
Celle de CP Falcon dans Melee et Brawl: Show me your moves!
Colton White dans GUN :
Vers l'infini, et l'au delà !
"Everyone... everyone has lost something precious. Everyone here has lost homes, dreams, and friends. Everybody... Now, Sin is finally dead.
Now, Spira is ours again. Working together... Now we can make new homes for ourselves, and new dreams. Although I know the journey will be hard, we have lots of time. Together, we will rebuild Spira. The road is ahead of us, so let's start out today.
Just, one more thing... The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded...
Never forget them."
Yuna ffX
“No one quite knows exactly who or what they are. The memories you have and the role you were assigned are burdens you have to carry. It doesn’t matter if they were real or not. That’s never the point. There’s no such thing in the world as absolute reality. We can tell other people about having faith. What we have faith in, what we found important enough to fight for. It’s not weather you were right or wrong, but how much faith you were willing to have that decides the future.”
Solid Snake mgs2
"Two milleniums ago, there was a war between the human-world and the other, the underworld. But somebody from the underworld woke up to justice and stood up against this legion, alone. His name, was Sparda. Later, he quietly reigned over the human-world and continued to preserve harmony until his death. He became a legend. The Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda"
Voix off devil may cry