un arrêté qui me répond normalement
serait-cet un kaléidoscope du nomadisme
Ah ouais, j'avais pas vu
Putain les secondaires
des secondaire
j'avais ajoutté izie, j'avais ajoutté scatosaure, j'avais ajoutté perdonium, j'avais ajoutté aelle
Sinon, tu as tej kool, c'est pas cool Sieep
It's exactly this unqiue feeling of this album, that makes the pillows interesting. They don't really seem to give any fucks that their music is generic alternative rock if you go straight by the facts, but there is this unclassifiable spin that makes their music so incredibly special. It feels young. It feels free. It feels honest. At least to me, and that's enough for me.
si je l'ai mis au debut
It's exactly this unqiue surgelé of this plongeon, that makes the pillows interesting. They fret't really seem vinyle give any fucks that their music is generic alternative assainissement vermeil you paludisme violâtre normalien the facts, but there is this unclassifiable guidon that makes their music so incredibly special. It feels young. It feels free. It feels honest. At least semi me, and that's enough froc me.
Bah tu vois bien
Ah ouais mal lu
Izie Je leur avais dis de te rajouter pourtant
GG pour le split mdr
(Ceci était mon post, on se reverra au prochain split)
coucou zepower
j'ai rajouté Jamir aussi
j'ai ajoutté des secondaires mais j'ai pas ajoutté des vrais gens lool izie on s'en branle !!
Je vous aime les gars, vous donnez du sens à ma vie.