Sorry, my level is enough good to skip english lessons.
yoyo, iwuz trolling.
You're showing off.
Bagwell ~~> I usually have a stare down with my neighbour.
good enough*
nope yoyo.
i'm allowed to skip english lessons.
I want to say thanks to Rohmer, because he trade to me all the events oobers, and also a maganon and an Elekable. Thanks also to to you, Kika, because the Darkrai he Trade to me is the Darkrai wich you had Trade to him.
Kika >
i'm not sure.
anyway, even if i do some mistakes, i'm the third in english, in my class.
the first and the second are ... english in fact.
they cheated.
You may be allowed to do that, nevertheless, you should go thre once for a while.
i just go there for the tests.
Oh Vraiment ?
God bless you. You're powerless, i know you are So jalous of the first one.
lolwut, and do you know that there's a test if you do not attend to your class... ?
[surtout] if there's some surprised interogation.
Wtf ça me soule.
Surtout = especially
CO ~~> I never understood what's the meaning of this pic.
because my friends tell me when there one,kika.
and, there no surprise.
and, you know what ?
we have to do some homework. ( DM )
last time i gave one, one month late, and the teacher said : " ok "
yea CO.
i'm not jealous yoyo. he's english. i'm not.
Kika > It means "Oh really"
" CO ~~> I never understood what's the meaning of this pic. "
That's like :
" AH OUAIS ? "
Rohmer have exchange to me a Celebi who declench the hide event in Ilex Forest ! He's not official, but I don't care of it !