Moi je me souviens d'hugo
Aussi si on a rien a epingler..
moi aussi je me souviens d'Hugo (normal).
l'élection du modo... c'est un peu tôt quand même, il n'y a pas assez de forumeurs, ou alors on remet Turbo...
voici les choses les plus importantes retenus au Full Moon Show
Ok, I listened to the whole podcast and took notes as I was listening. One of the people was James Stevenson, the other 2 were both named Brian but I didn't get thier last names, sorry for saying 'they' and 'he' a lot. Also, my grammar and spelling isn't perfect, and it really isn't organized. Ok, enough with the excuses...
Here's the copy-paste from Notepad...
A Cr@ck In Time will feature "game modes", the "secret aspect of the game" and the "what the Insomniacs are really excited about for this installment". Probably cooperative or competitve online multiplayer. Look how Uncharted 2: Among Thieves turned out. ACIT will most likely result in the same.
Krel (spell check?) Canyon will be the level shown at E3.
In the demo, there's a lot of gameplay. Ratchet uses a certain gadget a lot throughout the level, people will recognize it from the teaser. There is also another gadget you can use.
Developer highly enjoyed a certain 'super secret thing' that will be shown to a select few people at e3. They said some of it will probably get leaked even though it's super secret. They said that a lot of people around the office were super-excited about it. One of the guys said that it was one of the best aspects of the game, he was suprised and excited that they could pull it off. He said it keeps getting better each time he plays it. They said you would possibly see or hear about it, maybe see a screenshot or two.
About the demo, they said the level felt different from other R+C games in terms of the amounts of things you could do and the variety.
New weapon will be revealed at E3, they said that the original name didn't make it through sony legal for some reason (copyright?).
A lot of variety, "different game modes".
ACIT will be bigger than ToD.
Screenshots, videos, and demo at E3.
Next podcast will be after E3 and may be in video format.
'Mystery guest' is brian flemming from sucker punch. Talks about transitioning from sly cooper to infamous, says he would like to make another sly cooper game in the future. They compare it to switching from R+C to Resistance and back. Talks about the design process of infamous, going through tons of prototypes before finally settling on electricity. The electricity aspect of the game wasnt set from the beginning.
James stevenson is a trophy whore lol
The weapon design contest had the largest response sony ever had from that kind of contest.
Describing how the contest started:
R+C team is split up in 'pods', groups that focus on a certain aspect of the game like levels or weapons. The weapons pod had all of the weapons set, but they took out one because it was too similar to another weapon in the game. While trying to come up with another weapon, one of the pod members suggested having a contest.
They were surprised at how many weapons were similar, like there were a lot of cat launchers and food launchers. There were also a lot of submissions that were extremely close to weapons that were in the game. For instance, there were 4 or 5 weapons just like the one to be revealed at E3.
They said a lot of cool weapon designs were rejected because of this, others because they weren't doable at this point in the design process.
They said the winning weapon would hopefully be shown in game at comic con. They also said there would be a big surprise for the contest winner.
Reiterated that this game is a full game, not like QFB, said it was "king size" not "fun size".
They said that the game would be huge, with tons of things to do and replayability. They said that a lot of features would add to replayability, with 'one in particular'.
Also, 'god bless the shotgunchuck'. lmao
Mentioned the boomerang gun and the alien abduction gun. They said they had to make a lot of tough decisions during the contest.
They said art was secondary to the concept in the contest.
They said they would hopefully show more than the winning weapon at comic con, demo will be playable.
They said after E3, they would be able to show a lot more about ACIT, like weapons, levels, gadgets.
After E3, they might have a thread on Insomniac's forums for questions for the next podcast.
Ok, a couple things I noticed. First, they said the gadget in the demo would be from the teaser. I can't think of anything it could be except the watch. Also, the 'super secret thing' they bring up, the 'different game modes', the feature that adds a lot of replayability, the thing they were proud that they could pull off, to me that sounds like it COULD be multiplayer.
Both first iterations of PS3 Ratchet and Uncharted started their first title on PS3 as blockbuster story-driven climatic epic single-player experiences. In Ratchet, you are playing through as an action-packed vibrant Pixar movie and in Uncharted, you play through as an action-adventure, gunplay, traversal pulp adventure. Now in Uncharted 2, Naughty Dog has compiled a multiplayer feature adding on-tact the epic single-player campaign. Insomniac will intend to do the same, don't come as a suprise. The two developers probably were in talks in pushing foward with their respective franchises, adding online multiplayer to the previous one-player phenomenons.
Posté le 23 mai 2009 à 14:05:10
moi aussi je me souviens d'Hugo (normal).
l'élection du modo... c'est un peu tôt quand même, il n'y a pas assez de forumeurs, ou alors on remet Turbo...
Le forum élections de modérateurs est aussi le forum où on peut demander l'épinglage de topics par les admins...
Vovo tu veux VRAIMENT des topics epingles non ?
Par contre je crois pas qu'on est besoin de modo ^^
Un forum sans pics épinglés, ça fait un peu abandonné, mal entretenu
On a demandé un modo ? Je me présente ! Je me présente !
C'est vrai... on pourrait creer un pic de regles a suivre ou je ne sais trop quoi pour l'epingler
Vortex's Boost Classement :
[1] Vortex : 4 points
[**] Chik : 4 points
[2] T-R : 2 points
[**] Great : 2 points
[**] Crash : 2 points
[3] Dimi : 1 point
[**] Ferocimo : 1 point
Mon dieu ! Les 2 premiers sont au coudes à coudes, c'est haletant
Règle 1 : Nous vouer un culte !
Vovo Nous sommes les maitres du forum ! MOUAHAHAHAHA ! *sort le couteau, pret pour le backstab*
comme tous les dictateurs, la rebellions pourrait bien vous renverser
Ouais et c'est nous qu'on est la rebellion
Chik tu dois acheter TF2 sur pc !
je suis absolument d'accord, mais je sais pas si mon ordi a les criteres requis pour gerer le jeu Un peu d'aide serait la bienvenue
aujourd'hui, j'ai télécharger des démos et des vidéos du PSN. il y en avait beaucoup dont Uncharted2.
Go mon topic
Quand c'est qu'on repare ton ordi ?
Bah... Configuration de ton pc ?
Tu fais clic droit sur l'écran de ton ordi ( enfin je me comprends ) affichage et propriétés et tu me dis sur quoi il tourne
Si il y a plug-in dedans, tu peux oublier xD
euh NVIDIA GeForce Go 6200 ? C'est ca ?
A moi les points