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I read all books using MegaNovel coins Hack, and I will never stop because that is my goal. I am eager to know the ending, but reading this book always stops. I am really angry because the next few chapters are not ready yet. I have to go to three different sources to check if the next chapter is ready. At the same time, I gave up. I still don't know the ending, I hope I can finish reading it as soon as possible. Thank you, I am interested in reading Charlie Watts' story now, but I am a bit uninterested because at the beginning, he was not alone, he was humble, but since he became a billionaire with money, he has been ruthless. Hurting others, of course, the people he hurts are not innocent, but this is about revenge or an eye for an eye. I am on vacation from home and you don't have time to read, but I still plan to start reading again. Wen is home, thank you