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Sujet : [PixelCanvas] Voici un bot pour dessiner automatiquement

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Pseudo supprimé
Niveau 7
19 juin 2017 à 21:05:17

Et la version os! [[sticker:p/1ljj]]

anonyme9937 anonyme9937
Niveau 7
20 juin 2017 à 12:31:45

par contre j'ai l'impression que le bot pose des pixel sur un pixel qui était de la bonne couleur et ensuite attend 40 s . du coup pour défendre un drapeau c'est inefficace

ElFamosoEnfoiro ElFamosoEnfoiro
Niveau 3
20 juin 2017 à 14:48:31

Le 19 juin 2017 à 20:45:13 ArminArIert a écrit :

Le 19 juin 2017 à 20:21:46 ElFamosoEnfoiro a écrit :

Le 19 juin 2017 à 20:14:58 anonyme9937 a écrit :

Le 19 juin 2017 à 18:58:06 ElFamosoEnfoiro a écrit :

Le 19 juin 2017 à 18:42:26 anonyme9937 a écrit :

> Le 19 juin 2017 à 18:11:37 ElFamosoEnfoiro a écrit :

>> Le 19 juin 2017 à 18:01:51 anonyme9937 a écrit :

> >> Le 19 juin 2017 à 17:57:14 ElFamosoEnfoiro a écrit :

> > >> Le 19 juin 2017 à 17:18:49 anonyme9937 a écrit :

> > > >,2380 es ce que vous voyez pleins de pixel éparpillés ?

> > >

> > > Oui, tu as commencé un dessin alors :oui:

> >

> > oui un drapeau fr avec un hapoléon dessus. par contre y-a t'il un moyen de lancer plusieurs bots en même temps avec l'extension vpn chrome hoxx vpn ?( les seuls pays qui marchent sont grèce et slovaquie)


> Je ne pense pas car le bot ne passe pas par le navigateur pour envoyer des pixels. Après je connais pas les VPN, peut-être que s'il y en a qui te permettent d'avoir plusieurs IP différentes et de lancer des programmes dedans... Peut-être.


> Par contre si tu me donnes ton image et tes coordonnées je pourrai dessiner avec toi si ça t'intéresse :hap:

je voudrais bien mais noelshack modifie le nombre de pixel des photos :pf:

Ah bon ?? Putain ça fait chier ça.

bon du coup je fait un grand drapeau français avec le fichier fronce.bmp ici (le code
PXC_Auto_Draw_v0.1>PXC_Auto_Draw.exe test/fronce.bmp 1147 2239) si ta du temps pour m'aider :hap:

Avec plaisir, khey, je vais lancer ça pour ce soir :oui:

Le 19 juin 2017 à 20:16:42 ArminArIert a écrit :
Je vais essayer khey ça à l'air excellent

Vas-y khey, n'hésite pas à me poser des questions si tu as un problème :oui:

" - Tapez : PXC_Auto_Draw.exe <chemin vers image> <x> <y> ;

Exemple : "PXC_Auto_Draw.exe test/nanitas.png 0 0" dessinera un minuscule Risitas au centre de Pixel Canvas. "

Il faut remplacer le chemin image par l'URL de la photo téléchargée sur Noelshack ?

Non, par une image sur ton disque dur

Le 19 juin 2017 à 21:05:17 mabiteunarbre a écrit :
Et la version os! [[sticker:p/1ljj]]

Je vais voir, je vais voir :hap:

Le 20 juin 2017 à 12:31:45 anonyme9937 a écrit :
par contre j'ai l'impression que le bot pose des pixel sur un pixel qui était de la bonne couleur et ensuite attend 40 s . du coup pour défendre un drapeau c'est inefficace

Ah oui, ah oui, le bot permet juste de dessiner automatiquement, pas d'aller plus vite.

Il est impossible de contourner la limite de vitesse, le seul moyen d'aller plus vite c'est de mettre plusieurs IP sur le coup

Drafter001 Drafter001
Niveau 13
20 juin 2017 à 16:09:27

chaud l'auteur, [[sticker:p/1nua]]

Gainage Gainage
Niveau 10
20 juin 2017 à 16:19:02

Y'a moyen d'avoir le code source khey ?

sixounet sixounet
Niveau 6
20 juin 2017 à 18:51:03

J'ai une erreur après à peu près 45 secondes

[2017-06-20 18:48:59] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1497977332 seconds.
[2017-06-20 18:48:59] Updating image map...
[2017-06-20 18:48:59] Found undrawn pixel at (3871, 526) of color 0.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\", line 14, in run
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\", line 26, in run
File "src/", line 44, in <module>
File "src/", line 34, in main
File ".\src\", line 115, in step
File ".\src\", line 67, in try_post_pixel
File ".\src\", line 185, in request_post_pixel
File ".\src\", line 174, in request
File ".\src\", line 171, in request_raw_response
File ".\src\", line 141, in get_response
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'RemoteDisconnected'

et ensuite le script s'arrête. J'ai l'impression qu'il attend pas le bon délai entre chaque tentative, il spamme un peu trop.

sixounet sixounet
Niveau 6
20 juin 2017 à 19:30:59

Bon ça a l'air de passer en console mode admin. par contre il essaye de placer un pixel plusieurs fois par secondes tout le temps

anonyme9937 anonyme9937
Niveau 7
20 juin 2017 à 20:39:48

Le 20 juin 2017 à 19:30:59 sixounet a écrit :
Bon ça a l'air de passer en console mode admin. par contre il essaye de placer un pixel plusieurs fois par secondes tout le temps


anonyme9937 anonyme9937
Niveau 7
21 juin 2017 à 08:43:31

il me met ça [2017-06-21 08:42:35] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:35] Found undrawn pixel at (2042, 2100) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027349 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Found undrawn pixel at (2047, 2086) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027352 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Found undrawn pixel at (2050, 2100) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027352 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Found undrawn pixel at (2052, 2096) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027352 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Found undrawn pixel at (2048, 2088) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027350 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Found undrawn pixel at (2041, 2095) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027350 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Found undrawn pixel at (2042, 2098) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027349 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Found undrawn pixel at (2040, 2100) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027349 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:36] Found undrawn pixel at (2052, 2089) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027353 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Found undrawn pixel at (2048, 2095) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027353 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Found undrawn pixel at (2045, 2090) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027353 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Found undrawn pixel at (2046, 2088) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027350 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Found undrawn pixel at (2052, 2100) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027353 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Found undrawn pixel at (2054, 2092) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027351 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Found undrawn pixel at (2041, 2100) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027351 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Found undrawn pixel at (2054, 2093) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027353 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:37] Found undrawn pixel at (2042, 2096) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027350 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Found undrawn pixel at (2040, 2096) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027352 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Found undrawn pixel at (2047, 2086) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027352 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Found undrawn pixel at (2047, 2087) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027352 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Found undrawn pixel at (2052, 2094) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027355 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Found undrawn pixel at (2041, 2096) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027354 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Found undrawn pixel at (2050, 2095) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027353 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Found undrawn pixel at (2045, 2091) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027351 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:38] Found undrawn pixel at (2043, 2089) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027355 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Found undrawn pixel at (2050, 2097) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027353 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Found undrawn pixel at (2041, 2087) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027356 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Found undrawn pixel at (2044, 2095) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027354 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Found undrawn pixel at (2040, 2086) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027355 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Found undrawn pixel at (2044, 2094) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027353 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Found undrawn pixel at (2046, 2090) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027353 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:39] Found undrawn pixel at (2054, 2096) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027355 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Found undrawn pixel at (2046, 2097) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027355 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Found undrawn pixel at (2040, 2092) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027355 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Found undrawn pixel at (2041, 2097) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027354 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Found undrawn pixel at (2053, 2099) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027357 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Found undrawn pixel at (2050, 2100) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027355 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Found undrawn pixel at (2041, 2093) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027355 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Found undrawn pixel at (2044, 2092) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027356 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:40] Found undrawn pixel at (2044, 2088) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027353 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Found undrawn pixel at (2042, 2096) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027357 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Found undrawn pixel at (2042, 2095) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027354 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Found undrawn pixel at (2040, 2093) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027355 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Found undrawn pixel at (2040, 2086) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027357 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Found undrawn pixel at (2045, 2090) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027358 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Found undrawn pixel at (2053, 2092) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027358 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Found undrawn pixel at (2043, 2100) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027357 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:41] Found undrawn pixel at (2050, 2088) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:42] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:42:42] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027356 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:42:42] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:42:42] Found undrawn pixel at (2050, 2086) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:42:42] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027358 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Found undrawn pixel at (2045, 2089) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027376 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Found undrawn pixel at (2049, 2099) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027380 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Found undrawn pixel at (2049, 2095) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027379 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Found undrawn pixel at (2043, 2091) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027377 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Found undrawn pixel at (2042, 2088) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027378 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:03] Found undrawn pixel at (2045, 2089) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027379 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Found undrawn pixel at (2054, 2093) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027377 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Found undrawn pixel at (2051, 2100) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027377 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Found undrawn pixel at (2043, 2086) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027379 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Found undrawn pixel at (2053, 2095) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027378 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Found undrawn pixel at (2041, 2098) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027379 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Found undrawn pixel at (2041, 2093) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027377 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Found undrawn pixel at (2050, 2100) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027377 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Found undrawn pixel at (2042, 2097) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027378 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:04] Found undrawn pixel at (2053, 2089) of color 5.
[2017-06-21 08:43:05] Pixel post failed !
[2017-06-21 08:43:05] Pixel was posted too soon. Must wait -1498027380 seconds.
[2017-06-21 08:43:05] Updating image map...
[2017-06-21 08:43:05] Found undrawn pixel at (2051, 2087) of color 5.

sixounet sixounet
Niveau 6
21 juin 2017 à 21:49:08

bon ça plante toujours au bout d'un moment en fait

pixelsoldat pixelsoldat
Niveau 10
22 juin 2017 à 19:31:24

Le 21 juin 2017 à 21:49:08 sixounet a écrit :
bon ça plante toujours au bout d'un moment en fait

le bot marche plus

nabla160 nabla160
Niveau 6
20 juillet 2017 à 16:59:17

Ta pas un autre lien pour le télécharger (genre drophbox) parceque sa me tente pas de payer 5 euro pour sa xD

DevTheFox DevTheFox
Niveau 1
09 janvier 2019 à 16:11:44

lien mort

HailepRO HailepRO
Niveau 7
08 juillet 2020 à 13:45:13

lien mort

Bloka258 Bloka258
Niveau 7
08 juillet 2020 à 13:47:05

lien mort

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