voici se que j´ai trouvé et qui fonctionne:
Here is the important part:
I found a workaround for Might & Magic 8 that worked on my XP system. Try the following....
Start - Run (run a program)
regedit (loads the registry editor)
Search - "New World Computing" (search for the NWC string)
Make sure the Key found is "My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\New World Computing\Day of the Destroyer\1.0"
Change the key "3DSoundAvailable" to be ´0´
Change the key "Disable3DSound" to be ´1´
Exit regedit
RIGHT click on the icon for MM8 on your desktop
Select Properities
Under program name, change "mm8setup.exe" to be "mm8.exe"
Apply, and quit