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Sujet : patch

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red_panama red_panama
Niveau 30
15 mai 2022 à 19:53:02

salut a tous , vu qu'il n'y a pas bcp d'info a ce sujet , je vous mets le patchnote de la (source discord du jeu)

je me suis pas cassé la tete a traduire, et c'est quand meme mal foutu Epic .. pas possible d'avoir ces infos sur le launcher ...

Salt and Sacrifice Patch
- Decreased total time players can be air-juggled or bounced.
- Poise can reduce max air-juggle/bounce time for players.
- Increase stagger window for ripostes.
- Local co-op players can teleport to each other by opening and closing the game menu or loadout. Doesn’t work while invaded.
- Damage over time particles no longer cause players to stagger (rotwood bow, etc).
- Increased focus flask recovery rates based on max focus.
- Fixed focus regen charms so they can increase focus from flasks over 10.
- Fixed a side mage hunt that ended in a potentially locked boss room.
- Biblio runic arts have been rebalanced.
- Fixed artifacts temporarily change values when removed from storage.
- Fixed some boss spawn issues after a dialog.
- Fixed some cases that could cause a player to not leave after a multiplayer session.
- Fixed world desync that could sometimes happen during fated hunts.
- HUD can now also be scaled down instead of just up.
- UI and HUD fixes.
- Optimizations.

This patch has been released for PC. Console patches will follow soon (ETA Monday).
Please note that you can only matchmake with players of the same game version.

Ganondoorf Ganondoorf
Niveau 16
15 mai 2022 à 19:58:01

AAAAAAAAAAHH ils ont cassé le rotwood MERCI !!!

la vache ca c'est de la réactivité n'empeche... en 5 jours ils ont modifié ce qui pose probleme en pvp et en pve ! fini le combo infini de l'ombromancien et de l'hydro xD

Message édité le 15 mai 2022 à 19:58:57 par Ganondoorf
red_panama red_panama
Niveau 30
15 mai 2022 à 20:01:17

c'est exactement ce que j'allais dire , niveau réactivité ils sont la !!

Message édité le 15 mai 2022 à 20:01:28 par red_panama
red_panama red_panama
Niveau 30
16 mai 2022 à 20:51:40

le notepatch de la

Salt and Sacrifice Patch
- Fixed a bug that can sometimes prevent completing the Inquisitor Amben questline.
- Fixed a bug where the runegate could become unusable for a player until closing the game.
- Preventing players from getting into a state where they could have rescued a PVP faction NPC without getting access to their hideout.
- Kinetomancer heart drop rates have been restored to the proper value.
- Fixed the game potentially skipping NG+ if both the local and remote co-op players manage to activate the ending at the same time.
- Fixed a bug where quitting to the main menu while trying to join a game with matchmaking with a candle could result in a save being overwritten.
- Preventing the game crashing when the graphics driver doesn’t like the current video settings.
- Fixing a few crashes while playing online.

This patch has been released for PC. Console patches will follow soon (ETA today or tomorrow).
Please note that you can only matchmake with players of the same game version.

Ganondoorf Ganondoorf
Niveau 16
16 mai 2022 à 21:40:00

hé ben ca bosse dur, mais j'aimerai bien que sony valide rapidement qu'on puisse l'avoir aussi sur ps

red_panama red_panama
Niveau 30
17 mai 2022 à 17:03:50

le hotfix

Salt and Sacrifice Patch (hotfix)
- Fixed a regression in the last patch which caused some mages to be killable before reaching their arena.
- Fixed a bug where failing to connect to another player could result in a player’s max HP being temporarily stuck at 0.
- Message posts from players are now lower priority than most all other interactions.

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