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Sujet : patchs efootball pes 2021

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whiskey16 whiskey16
Niveau 10
29 novembre 2020 à 13:57:52

Le 29 novembre 2020 à 13:37:17 mendoki a écrit :
mdrr oui whiskey il est pas mal c est vrai et pour pat vieira oui patch légende installé mais c est pas grave je ferme les yx. en faite whiskey pour le maillot paris fc on peut faire quelque chose? le sponsor a changé

Concernant le kit Paris fc Moi non en tout cas
Je ne modifie plus les kits des autres Kitmakers sinon un triste sire va encore venir dire que je pique les kits des autres pour un kit avec un logo modifié et 150 kits faits par moi .

Donc désolé mais non merci

mendoki mendoki
Niveau 9
29 novembre 2020 à 14:59:53

ok mais dans la logique c est a konami d appliquer le nouveau kit paris fc c est pas normal

jimmydu74154 jimmydu74154
Niveau 5
29 novembre 2020 à 15:04:46

salut a tous, des news de la v4 alors?

whiskey16 whiskey16
Niveau 10
29 novembre 2020 à 15:04:53

Le 29 novembre 2020 à 14:59:53 mendoki a écrit :
ok mais dans la logique c est a konami d appliquer le nouveau kit paris fc c est pas normal

peut ere dans le dlc 3 le 2 septembre ou le DLC 4 si il y en a un
faut pas etre pressé avec konami

Hebiim Hebiim
Niveau 8
29 novembre 2020 à 15:24:41

Salut whiskey 👍
Si tu as des news de la V4 de Universe je suis preneur de la version PS5 😊
Merci encore pour ton amabilité et du partage sur ce forum

tomasinio tomasinio
Niveau 3
29 novembre 2020 à 17:19:32

c'est clair, il est au top whiskey 16.

whiskey16 whiskey16
Niveau 10
29 novembre 2020 à 17:29:52

merci les gars ça fait plaisir
je suis un peu sur le twitter et vu les reponses ce sera entre minuit et une heure du mat ici d'apres mes estimations d'amateur lol
je serais couché depuis longtemps lol
je pense suivre jusqu'a 22h"à et apres basta ce sera pour demain matin

Hebiim Hebiim
Niveau 8
29 novembre 2020 à 20:05:20

Le 29 novembre 2020 à 17:29:52 whiskey16 a écrit :
merci les gars ça fait plaisir
je suis un peu sur le twitter et vu les reponses ce sera entre minuit et une heure du mat ici d'apres mes estimations d'amateur lol
je serais couché depuis longtemps lol
je pense suivre jusqu'a 22h"à et apres basta ce sera pour demain matin

Super 👍 Merci Whiskey 🙏

mendoki mendoki
Niveau 9
29 novembre 2020 à 20:17:25

tranquille whiskey c est deja enorme ce que tu fait

tigrou384 tigrou384
Niveau 7
29 novembre 2020 à 21:19:25

salut whiskey c'est indiqué que la V4 c'est up pour les gold depuis 20min
donc si tu l'as je suis preneur

whiskey16 whiskey16
Niveau 10
29 novembre 2020 à 21:36:43

Oui c’est bon
Dites moi quelle version svp ?
Il y a ps4 ou ps5
et pc aVécu en plus les fichiers klashman uniquement pc

whiskey16 whiskey16
Niveau 10
29 novembre 2020 à 21:44:02

Evitez les mp de demande svp

totti10jr totti10jr
Niveau 9
29 novembre 2020 à 21:46:18

Hello, j’suis chaud pour la version ps4. Merci!

whiskey16 whiskey16
Niveau 10
29 novembre 2020 à 21:52:30

Par contre je l’ai pas encore téléchargé je ne connais pas le contenu ni comment l’installer

whiskey16 whiskey16
Niveau 10
29 novembre 2020 à 21:56:13

Tuto in english all versions

(NEW) PES 2021 V4 – INSTALL – PS4 & PS5

V4 can be imported two ways; you can either fresh install or install and overwrite so whatever you feel more accustomed to, V4 is very simple to install. It is recommended to tick the ‘Overwrite images of the same name’ box for both methods anyway as only new images will be added and the rest will be updated and overwritten.

If you are doing a fresh install, simply follow the V2 tutorial as below and if you are upgrading from V1, V2 or V3 to the new V4, simply follow these steps below.

Download V4 & extract, copy and paste onto your USB as normal.
Insert your USB and navigate to edit mode in PES 2021
Navigate to import/export > Import Team > select all
Go to detailed settings and tick the second box ‘overwrite images of the same name’
When finished, return to the import screen
Now select the files with the following abbreviations in their names – GER_, BRA1_, MLS_, J1_, NTC_, OEU_, LIB, legends and icons.
Import these by ticking both boxes on the import screen in detailed settings.
We have also included Klashman’s tactics in PDF form. If you want to add them, simply go to game plan and follow the PDF’s for each team you wish to apply for.

VIDEO TUTORIAL – PC V2 & V4 Tutorial – One Step Method for PC only

PES 2021 V2 – INSTALL – PS4


Before you start, make sure you have a program on your PC/MAC to extract the Option File (RAR File) which you can download this for free with a simple google search for ‘7zip’, ‘winzip’, ‘winrar free’, unarchiver or similar.

  • You also need to do a fresh install and clear all previous edit data by going to edit mode, delete images and deleting everything in each folder (V1 edit data and images) and then navigating to your application saved data in your PS4 settings and deleting PES 2021’s edit data and system data (application saved data under settings on main dashboard)*

1. Download the option file & then navigate to the download destination (downloads or desktop folder usually but this despends on your PC)
2. When downloaded, right click on the file and choose ‘Extract to WEPES’ and the file will extract in a few seconds
3. Insert your USB key into your PC/MAC. Right click on the USB icon and select Format if needed (make sure it is set to FAT32)
4. Now return to the WEPES Folder (the one you just extracted) & right click on the WEPES folder & select ‘copy’ & then return to the USB folder
5. Open up the USB folder (double click to go to the USB root) and simply paste the WEPES folder (right click then select paste)
6. This will now copy over so wait a few minutes. Once complete you should have an open folder on your USB called WEPES
7. Now eject the USB from your PC/MAC & and insert it into your PS4. Follow all the instructions until you can go to Edit Mode.
8. When you first start PES 2021, there will be an import tutorial, just follow the intructions before you proceed with importing the Option File.
9. Once in Edit Mode, navigate to Import/Export and select Import Team.
10. Now select All files (PS4 square button) & select ‘Go to Detailed Settings’ and then press OK (DO NOT TICK ANY BOXES HERE)
11. This will import everything except Bundesliga & MLS Players so relax for 5-10 minutes while it does its thing. Once completed, return to the import screen
12. Now select all Bundesliga Teams, MLS, National Teams & Brazilian teams ONLY
13. Tick both boxes “Players” & “Overwriting images” & then Import by pressing OK. Return to the main Edit Menu
14. Select Import Competition, select All files (PS4 square button) & Go to Detailed Settings’ and then press OK (DO NOT TICK ANY BOXES HERE)
15. Return to main Edit Menu & go to competition structure, reduce the draw size for the Bundesliga to 18 and swap the teams across from other euros

Sometimes you might get an error, do not worry, simply follow the steps again & reimport

whiskey16 whiskey16
Niveau 10
29 novembre 2020 à 21:58:14

Vidéo tuto pc
VIDEO TUTORIAL – PC V2 & V4 Tutorial – One Step Method for PC only

totti10jr totti10jr
Niveau 9
29 novembre 2020 à 21:59:19

Le 29 novembre 2020 à 21:36:43 whiskey16 a écrit :
Oui c’est bon
Dites moi quelle version svp ?
Il y a ps4 ou ps5
et pc aVécu en plus les fichiers klashman uniquement pc

Pour info, exporter les TED manuellement depuis le jeu PC et les importer sur PS4 (à condition d'avoir le même patch) permettrait d'avoir les tactiques de klashman directement intégrées!

whiskey16 whiskey16
Niveau 10
29 novembre 2020 à 21:59:25

PES 2021 V2 – INSTALL – PS4

whiskey16 whiskey16
Niveau 10
29 novembre 2020 à 22:04:59

Le 29 novembre 2020 à 21:58:14 whiskey16 a écrit :
Vidéo tuto pc
VIDEO TUTORIAL – PC V2 & V4 Tutorial – One Step Method for PC only

whiskey16 whiskey16
Niveau 10
29 novembre 2020 à 22:05:23

Le 29 novembre 2020 à 21:56:13 whiskey16 a écrit :
Tuto in english all versions

(NEW) PES 2021 V4 – INSTALL – PS4 & PS5

V4 can be imported two ways; you can either fresh install or install and overwrite so whatever you feel more accustomed to, V4 is very simple to install. It is recommended to tick the ‘Overwrite images of the same name’ box for both methods anyway as only new images will be added and the rest will be updated and overwritten.

If you are doing a fresh install, simply follow the V2 tutorial as below and if you are upgrading from V1, V2 or V3 to the new V4, simply follow these steps below.

Download V4 & extract, copy and paste onto your USB as normal.
Insert your USB and navigate to edit mode in PES 2021
Navigate to import/export > Import Team > select all
Go to detailed settings and tick the second box ‘overwrite images of the same name’
When finished, return to the import screen
Now select the files with the following abbreviations in their names – GER_, BRA1_, MLS_, J1_, NTC_, OEU_, LIB, legends and icons.
Import these by ticking both boxes on the import screen in detailed settings.
We have also included Klashman’s tactics in PDF form. If you want to add them, simply go to game plan and follow the PDF’s for each team you wish to apply for.

VIDEO TUTORIAL – PC V2 & V4 Tutorial – One Step Method for PC only

PES 2021 V2 – INSTALL – PS4


Before you start, make sure you have a program on your PC/MAC to extract the Option File (RAR File) which you can download this for free with a simple google search for ‘7zip’, ‘winzip’, ‘winrar free’, unarchiver or similar.

  • You also need to do a fresh install and clear all previous edit data by going to edit mode, delete images and deleting everything in each folder (V1 edit data and images) and then navigating to your application saved data in your PS4 settings and deleting PES 2021’s edit data and system data (application saved data under settings on main dashboard)*

1. Download the option file & then navigate to the download destination (downloads or desktop folder usually but this despends on your PC)
2. When downloaded, right click on the file and choose ‘Extract to WEPES’ and the file will extract in a few seconds
3. Insert your USB key into your PC/MAC. Right click on the USB icon and select Format if needed (make sure it is set to FAT32)
4. Now return to the WEPES Folder (the one you just extracted) & right click on the WEPES folder & select ‘copy’ & then return to the USB folder
5. Open up the USB folder (double click to go to the USB root) and simply paste the WEPES folder (right click then select paste)
6. This will now copy over so wait a few minutes. Once complete you should have an open folder on your USB called WEPES
7. Now eject the USB from your PC/MAC & and insert it into your PS4. Follow all the instructions until you can go to Edit Mode.
8. When you first start PES 2021, there will be an import tutorial, just follow the intructions before you proceed with importing the Option File.
9. Once in Edit Mode, navigate to Import/Export and select Import Team.
10. Now select All files (PS4 square button) & select ‘Go to Detailed Settings’ and then press OK (DO NOT TICK ANY BOXES HERE)
11. This will import everything except Bundesliga & MLS Players so relax for 5-10 minutes while it does its thing. Once completed, return to the import screen
12. Now select all Bundesliga Teams, MLS, National Teams & Brazilian teams ONLY
13. Tick both boxes “Players” & “Overwriting images” & then Import by pressing OK. Return to the main Edit Menu
14. Select Import Competition, select All files (PS4 square button) & Go to Detailed Settings’ and then press OK (DO NOT TICK ANY BOXES HERE)
15. Return to main Edit Menu & go to competition structure, reduce the draw size for the Bundesliga to 18 and swap the teams across from other euros

Sometimes you might get an error, do not worry, simply follow the steps again & reimport

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