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Sujet : Le nouveau jeu du créateur principale de FT13

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coconutsu2 coconutsu2
Niveau 55
01 novembre 2022 à 21:55:10

Killer Klowns From Outer Space

Donc pas par le studio de FT13 mais par le directeur exécutif de FT13. Le studio de ce nouveau jeux Killer Klowns From Outer Space (tiré du film du même nom) est aussi le studio derrière le nouveau jeux massacre à la tronçonneuse.

Trailer :

Trailer sur la fidélité artistique entre le film et le jeu, les dev travail avec les réalisateur du film :

Site officiel :

Steam :

Je reprends maintenant un message d'une discussion steam pour vous expliquer le concept du gameplay :

Some things we know at this point (but there is plenty that is still not known)

--The game will be 3 killers vs 7 survivors instead of 1 vs 4.

--The game's focus and "feel" attempts to capture more of the energy of a scary and panicked "invasion" that is quickly escalating in danger and craziness as the round progresses as opposed to just trying not to get killed by a single powerful boogeyman.

--To that end, if klowns or humans are killed, they both get respawned back into the game, but it works a little bit differently for each side. Klowns infinitely respawn (unless the humans succeed in destroying their respawn... one of the ways humans can pursue victory), and each time they respawn, they can choose a different klown with different stats and tools. Humans have a limited respawn, which works similar to the game Enlisted, if you've ever seen that game. Basically, there are 7 human-controlled characters, and then 25ish "NPC" AI-controlled human characters on the map. If a human-controlled character gets captured or killed, then the human player simply changes bodies and becomes one of the "reserve NPCs" on the map instead and continues playing as the new character (who likely has different stats, abilities, weapons, etc). There is a limited number of human characters, though, so whether the klowns kill/capture an actual human character or just an NPC, they are winning by reducing the number of humans remaining on the map and eliminating the human players' respawn options. There are even fewer of certain types of characters on the map, such as cops. So klowns could eliminate the ability of human players to play as the police officer class entirely for the rest of the round.

--Klown Team primary win condition is eliminating most or all of the humans from the map by death or capture.

--Human Team primary win conditions are [1] Infilitrate the klown tent, destroy their spawnpoint, then eliminate remaining clowns (hard) - [2] Run out the clock while preventing the majority of the humans on the map from being killed or abducted (medium) - [3] Escape the map

--There are also "co-op-etitive" elements. For example, as a human when you die or get captured, you just continue with a new body; however, you will be stronger and more rewarded for playing as one character without dying as much as you can, which might sometimes cause players who are cooperating to throw each other under the bus, letting their ally get captured so they can escape without blowing their survival streak, etc

--Similarly, while Klowns can target and kill either player-controlled humans or AI-controlled humans, they would be incentivized to target player-controlled humans for a bigger score.

--Maps are reportedly very large. Much bigger than those in games like DBD or F13.

--Human players in the game will use "proximity chat", similar to other horror games, where voice volume is scaled by distance.

--Klown players have comms, so they can hear and speak to each other at a consistent volume, regardless of distance, giving them a communication edge.

--Humans can understand fellow human speech and klowns can understand human speech. However, on the human player end, all speech from klown players will be distorted via filter to sound like "klownish", making the conversations and planning and coordination of the klown team impossible to eavesdrop on, but also potentially making it very clear that a klown is nearby.

--However, klowns have an ability to sometimes (presumably this has a limite or cooldown) disable their klownish filter to imitate the speech of humans in order to bait any human players into thinking they are a safe character nearby when they are actually a killer klown. These kinds of voice chat games add a layer of amongus-esque head games and deceit to the game.

--Klowns have "cartographic teleporting", i.e. they can teleport to any part of the map as long as it has already been visited/uncovered by any member of the klown team

There is more that could be said about the different klowns' very unique abilities or the humans having to scrounge and resourcefully craft shivs and blades and launchers from things they find to weaponize themselves.

Message édité le 01 novembre 2022 à 21:56:50 par coconutsu2
coconutsu2 coconutsu2
Niveau 55
01 novembre 2022 à 21:57:54

Je suis hyper hype pour le jeu! Il sort au premier trimestre 2023 et ça a l'air énorme! En plus j'adore le film que je vous recommande.

Amphil100jean Amphil100jean
Niveau 3
23 avril 2024 à 01:36:50

Le 01 novembre 2022 à 21:57:54 :
Il sort au premier trimestre 2023 et ça a l'air énorme!

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