Myth and heroes
I'm gonna talk about the notion myth and heroes. First I think I have to say what does it mean.
A myth is an exaggerated story, but based on real events, which is transmitted from generation to generation, like greek mythology. It's often something we wish for be true but we're unsure to its existence. A hero is a person known for his brave deeds and kindness. Lots of heroes are the characters of myths, like Ulysse. Today myths and heroes are important in our society, allowing men to forget their daily lives and satisfy their travel desires.
To illustrate the notion, I chose a storytelling, entitled « the making of an immigrant ». and a song « The city of Chicago.
First, the making of an immigrant is a picture serie about the life of an immigrant. Through the pictures, we can see how he left his country to arrive in a big American city, probably New York, then we see him looking for work, and working in a factory. Finally it seems to look at a picture, surely his family and writes a letter with money, the addressee is probably his wife.
This man seems to have left his family and his country for financial reasons. Indeed, we can guess that he went to USA to live the famous American Dream, which is the idea that we can start from scratch and success our lives in America, become wealthy and famous only by hard working.
Besides, The city of chicago is a song written by Christy Moore, an Irish singer. The song is about the Great Potatoes Famine, who motivates Irish People to left their country to immigrate in the City of Chicago. Their motives wasn't greed, they just want to survive and dream of a better future. Moreover some of them knew fortunes, but more of them knew hardship.
Lots of Irish thought they would have a better life in USA, but actually many of them failed. They belived in American Dream, and theirs dreams turned to reality.
These two documents show that American Dream is a myth for many people. Immigrants wish that American Dream is true because they heard lots of things, lots of gossips. But when they arrive in USA, they discover that the ability to live the American Dream is exageratted.
Personnally, my point of view is that American Dream doesn't exist. The poor life of some people make them believe in that dream, which promises a better life. However, like all myths it remain without its reality is proven.