Ne bougez pas Monsieur le Premier ministre, j'arrive vous portez main forte !
Ange_Pleureur is stuck in a tree.
C'est encore à moi de faire tout le boulot. Accrochez-vous à vos slips.
*va chercher sa hache*
The spinning wood log hits Cody in the head, and the injured part is crushed.
Cody has been found dead.
TheCrowbar cancels Drink : Experiencing emotional shock.
Alex_Truman's head takes the full force of the impact and the part splits in gore !
Alex_Truman has been found dead.
Alex_Truman, Ghostly Prime Minister has risen and is haunting the topic !
Ah, c'est malin.
Vykt0R41 has been missing for a week.
[Usul], Ursine Resident cancels Meditate on Salmon : shaken to the core.
Death... It was inevitable.
Cody, Ghostly Fanfiction Writer has risen and is haunting the topic !
Cody is following [Usul] !
M. le Premier Ministre, je crois que j'ai trouvé quelqu'un qui pourra nous sortir de là !
Au point où on en est...
Alex_Truman is following [Usul] !
I was haunted by a ghost. I don't care one way or another.
[Usul] is throwing a tantrum, possessed by Cody !
[Unitedelite] has made a masterpiece *granite stone slab*
Cela ne présage rien de bon.
*embarque la dalle en douce*
Je verserais une larme si je n"étais pas toujours coincé dans un pot de fleur.