Cup Heroes Cheats unlimited diamonds free season pass Hacks code
Cup Heroes Mod over the past few weeks has been very interesting. I even spent $5 to no longer see advertisements because I really love this game. Unfortunately, after around level 20, the ball reward will never display another '+6 balls at the beginning of each round', which means it's impossible to get enough balls to power up well before being forced to watch ads. This definitely feels like intentionally missing+6 balls. In addition, you cannot exceed certain levels without being forced to upgrade, which means you will lose 15 consecutive games until you have enough coins to upgrade. Another option is to pay gems for gold coin upgrades, or watch advertisements for energy upgrades. On the basis, this game is very fun and addictive, but there is a point of diminishing returns where you just get stuck. If you don't have+6 balls, you will never have enough strength to win the game, because you may start with 4-6 balls in each round and may get 40 balls in each round.