C'est en anglais mais voilà comment procéder
In order to access playground featuresthrough your console you must first link the two. Instructions for this arebelow:
1) Go to Playground to initiate the process. Playground can be accessed bygoing to playground.yoostar.com or apps.facebook.com/yoostarplayground
2) Select the "Link Account" tab
3) Choose your platform (Xbox or PlayStation) and enter your gamertag or PSNID
4) A unique, secure code will be sent to your console - it will appear inthe newsfeed on the Yoostar 2 Main Menu
5) Write down the code and enter it into Playground
6) Return to your console and go into the Social Menu in Yoostar 2 tocomplete activation
It appears that you have reached step 4 and need to return to your console and retrieve the 8 digit code. Then proceed to steps 5 and 6.
Si cela ne marche pas... Envoie un mail a support@yoostar.com en expliquant ton problème (En anglais si possible "Google Traduction ;-)") et dans les 24h, ils t'enverront le code dans ta boite email.