voila je fait ce topic pour aider les personne comme moi qui prenne ce jeu mais qui bloque un peu... j'ai juste fait l'episode 1 donc je peut vous aider que sur le 1 desoler...
pour la premiere enigme il suffit de remettre les prenom des personnages a leur place...
pour la deuxieme enigme il faut bien regarder pour ce rendre compte que la phrase est a l'envers et commence donc en bas a droite . mais sinon les lettre a mettre de gauche a droite en haut sont :
A / M
O / T / E
voila dans l'ordre... d'ailleur si vous regarder bien apres avoir mit les lettre ,essayer de lire la phrase ( a l'envers) et vous comprendrez.. :D
apres c'est une serie de question... donc les reponse sont :
Quelqu'un a fait l'episode 2 ? parce que je bloque à l'énigme ou il faut barrer des lettres pour retrouver un message et ça fait bien une semaine que je suis dessus. Merci d'avance^^.
Merci oldsnakes pour tes soluces... Pourrais tu continuer de nous les indiquer s'il te plait. Au cas ou l'on aurais des soucis. Merci d'avance.
Le policier franchement pas discret du tout te l'a écrit en toutes lettres : Il faut penser LATERALLEMENT! En plus, il t'a écrit en rouge qu'il faut supprimer "ONLY TWO LETTERS"!
Retire les lettres suivantes et dans cet ordre : O N L Y T W O L E T T E R S ... et tu obtiendras "The butcher found the items".
la suite svp!!
Blue Toad Murder Files: Episode 1 Little Riddle's Deadly Dilemma
by PurpleMonQuay | Contact Me
NOTE: All questions are the same no matter which character you choose
Puzzle: The Blue Toad Agency
Description: Match the correct names with the members of the agency
Solution: Characters in order from left to right:
1. Vanderbosh
2. Dakota
3. Maple
4. Dickens
Puzzle: Dead Man's Diary
Description: Add in the available letters to make sense of the diary entry
Solution: The diary is written backwards:
I met the doc and told him I was mad that I got the wrong pills
So the solution looks like this:
slLip gnorW eht toG I taHt dAm sAw I Mih dlot dna cod ehT tEm I
Q: What was the colour of the train that brought you to Little Riddle?
A: Green
Q: The station master implied that he'd argued with the mayor over what?
A: A tea room
Q: By whom was the holiday to Little Riddle arranged?
A: Mother
Q: Who did the constable say he was going to call?
A: The inspector
Puzzle: The Doctors Diagnosis
Description: Fill in the blanks in the prescription to make sense of it
Solution: Reading from left to right:
• Worried Patient
• Massive Levels
• Sleep Patterns
• Sticking Plasters
• Dose of Antibiotics
• A dose of Senecal
Puzzle: Staring at Sails
Description: Figure out which of the windmills sails is different to the rest.
Solution: Sail C
Puzzle: Lost Luggage
Description: Figure out which bag belongs to the old woman
Solution: Top left bag
Puzzle: The Final Payment
Description: Use the information given to work out how much money was paid by
the mayor
Solution: 3 pounds 7 shillings 5 pence
Q: What did the station master say the mayor was going to do about the tea room?
A: Look into the matter again
Q: Who does the miller say he can tell you about his meeting with the mayor?
A: The Town Hall Clerk
Q: Why did the mayor receive the wrong medicine?
A: The chemist misread the prescription
Q: The Jeweller appears originally to come from which country?
A: The USA
Puzzle: A room for the night
Description: Use the information the hotel owner gives you to work out how many
guests are already at the hotel
Solution: 11
Puzzle: The pub's pipe problem
Description: Connect the right taps to the right barrels
Solution: There are two types of pieces you can use here a Cross and one with
two Corners
• Top left: Corners Piece
• Top right: Cross Piece
• Middle: Corners Piece
• Bottom left: Cross Piece
• Bottom middle: Corners Piece
• Bottom left: Cross Piece
Puzzle: A shadowy figure
Description: Figure out the route that the shadowy figure tool in order to
catch up with him
Solution: Route B
Puzzle: Finding Mrs. Whatshername
Description: Match up the pieces of the face until you have the image of the
old woman from the train station.
Solution: Eyes No.3 = Small Circular Low Down
Nose No.3 = Large Nose with a semi circled line of wrinkles under the nose
Mouth No.3 = Tiny mouth with lines lipstick and wrinkles that match up with
the nose lines
Q: Who did the hotel owner complain had been booking people into the hotel?
A: His wife
Q: Where does Mrs. Gossip live?
A: Near the stream
Q: What is the inspector's name?
A: Inspector Bragg
Q: What is the name of the pub?
A: The Cloak and Dagger
Puzzle: The Mayors Last Day
Description: Use the clerk's description of the day to figure out which path
the mayor took to his office
• Carpet Stairs
• Light Door
• Heavy Door
• Stone Stairs
• No Door
• Wooden Stairs
• Office door
Puzzle: As the Doctor Ordered
Description: Use the information given to choose which medicine bottle contains
the medicine that Mrs. Gossip is supposed to take
Solution: Bottle B
Description: Find who shot the Mayor
Solution: The Miller!
merci bien
Le guide vidéo de tous les épisodes https://www.jeuxvideo.com/cheats/00034290/astuces-blue-toad-murder-files-the-mysteries-of-little-riddle-playstation-3-ps3-00028627.htm
Il y a un guide sur Jv