OMG ! Il n'y a pas foule ici
Pour ceux qui attendent Joe Danger Special Edition, c'est juste pour dire que le jeu a été annoncé Gold, donc, il ne devrait plus tarder à sortir.
L'annonce sur le blog de Hello Games :
"Some days are normal, and boring. Other days are worse, they become night, and you have more bugs to fix. Lots of days go by like that.
Then there are AMAZING days. Days like this one, when we hear that Joe Danger Special Edition has gone GOLD. These are days when we laugh, and hug each other. Days when we do a little dance, then Dave does an impersonation of Ryan, and nails it.
These are days when we sit back, and remember those nasty days of bug fixing, and smile, because they were actually fun as well – now we look back.
What does going GOLD mean? It means that we’re going to be able to release soon. It means we’ll all be on the leaderboards together soon. It means someone will be the first to unlock the Pink Monkey soon.
We don’t know when, but we know we’re staying awake until then, and you will know as soon as we do.
Let’s all remind ourselves what we’re waiting for…"
Ce matin, en allumant ma console et en voyant la cover du jeu dans les nouveautés, j'ai cru qu'il y était déjà (même si je savais que c'était un peu trop rapide). C'était juste l'aperçu