no way.
you can cut off at least 50s by using the electrotool on the plasma shield while you have the glitch (entered by making amy chen explodes with the injector at the exact same time you restart from the checkpoint), and by pressing the switch to call the train in subway.
I´m sure you didn´t know that.
good luck
Fauch. I already know about that. I was just afraid to tell you guys I used it. So actually my real times suck...
You Genius, U-Genix - Hard - 6:03.6 - World Record
U-Genix - Easy - 5:56.4 - WR
GG ^^
Another one...
High Road - Hard - 5:06.4
nice phoenix
U-Genix - Normal - 5:57.1 WR
Genix - Easy - 5:50.9
Perdy got owned!
U-Genix - Hard - 5:54.7 !! !
Best world record in all 3 TS games!!! Insane run!!!
Avec la Brique : 01:15.7 RF
GG aussi, je déteste ce niveau
R101 : 33 points (at 32 points, je vise le 35)
J´ai refait un peu de R101, mais pas moyen de faire sup 33.
Sinon j´ai battu mon pr minable sur Avec la Brique: 1:58:7.
le 35 est largement fesable c´est après que ca commence a devenir beaucoup plus hard
J´aimerais bien battre mon 37 en fait.
c´est surtout qu´il est supra chiant ce level