-2 Hawk
+ Yuna
+ Ashe
VideoGammerMan Tricheur !
Hein pourquoi?
Ne fais pas l´innocent.
Et oui.
Je ne sais pas si je peux prendre ses votes pour la prochaine mise à jour.
Nan nan, jtassure que Unknow-White, c´est pas moi
Si tu me crois pas, vérifie dans mon profil de regroupement des pseudos sur les stat
En tout cas, je jure que c´est pas moi
Quand même quatorze secondes plus tard pour voter et l´éliminier...
Ah oui, j´ai cru que j´ai déjà voté mais en fait non.
Je vote - 2 Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot).
Mouais. Je pourrais demander une vérification d´IP.
Bref, pas pour un vote. <__<
- 2 Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot).
+ Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil).
- Falco Lombardi (StarFox).
Liste des concurrents
- Link (Zelda) : 168
- Veran (Zelda) : 8
- Snake (Metal Gear Solid) : 12
- Big Boss (Metal Gear Solid) : 21
- Raiden (Metal Gear Solid) : 13
- The Boss (Metal Gear Solid) : 20
- Tommy Vercetti (Grand Theft Auto) : 23
- Carl Jonhson (Grand Theft Auto) : 16
- Le Prince de Perse (Prince Of Persia) : 16
- Le Vizir (Prince Of Persia) : 13
- Kaileena (Prince Of Persia) : 54
- Rikimaru (Tenchu) : 14
- Ayame (Tenchu) : 10
- Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil) : 127
- Chris Refield (Resident Evil) : 12
- Nemesis (Resident Evil) : 13
- Jill Valentine (Resident Evil) : 15
- Ada Wong (Resident Evil) : 31
- Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong) : 11
- Sora (Kingdom Hearts) : 29
- Riku (Kingdom Hearts) : 13
- Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) : 16
- Coco Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot) : 14
- Dr Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot) : 9
- Tiny Tiger (Crash Bandicoot) : 10
- Dingodile (Crash Bandicoot) : 10
- Spyro (Spyro) : 8
- Professeur (Spyro) : 10
- Dante (Devil May Cry) : 18
- Vergil (Devil May Cry) : 32
- Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog) : 14
- Knuckles (Sonic The Hedgehog) : 10
- Shadow (Sonic The Hedgehog) : 10
- Tails (Sonic The Hedgehog) : 14
- Amy (Sonic The Hedgehog) : 10
- Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) : 14
- Squall (Final Fantasy VIII) : 28
- Seifer (Final Fantasy VIII) : 18
- Djidane (Final Fantasy IX) : 10
- Kuja (Final Fantasy IX) : 10
- Tidus (Final Fantasy X) : 19
- Seymour (Final Fantasy X) : 9
- Rikku (Final Fantasy X et Final Fantasy X-2) : 19
- Yuna (Final Fantasy X et Final Fantasy X-2) : 263
- Vaan (Final Fantasy XII) : 16
- Ashe (Final Fantasy XII) : 26
- Hwoarang (Tekken) : 11
- Onimusha (Onimusha) : 10
- Master Chief (Halo) : 26
- Ryu (Street Fighter) : 20
- Chun-Li (Street Fighter) : 10
- Vega (Street Fighter) : 10
- Jak (Jak And Daxter) : 15
- Daxter (Jak And Daxter) : 12
- Errol / Cyber-Errol (Jak And Daxter) : 45
- Trevelyan (James Bond) : 10
- Natalya (James Bond): 9
- Kasumi (Dead Or Alive) : 121
- Ayane (Dead Or Alive) : 121
- Hitomi (Dead Or Alive) : 17
- Kratos Aurion (Tales Of Symphonia) : 48
- Sheena (Tales Of Symphonia) : 19
- Raine (Tales Of Symphonia) : 10
- Presea (Tales Of Symphonia) : 10
- Kilik (Soul Calibur) : 17
- Ivy(Soul Calibur) : 12
- Astaroth (Soul Calibur) : 10
- Cervantes (Soul Calibur) : 12
- Ryo Hazuki (Shenmue) : 10
- Samus (Metroïd) : 12
- Ridley / Meta-Ridley (Metroïd) : 10
- Kraid (Metroïd) : 10
- Mother Brain (Metroïd) : 10
- Metroid Prime (Metroïd) : 10
- Tom Nook (Animal Crossing) : 10
- K & K (Animal Crossing) : 10
- Vegeta (Dragon Ball) : 24
- Sangoku (Dragon Ball) : 13
- Sangohan (Dragon Ball) : 10
- Cell (Dragon Ball) : 10
- Trunk (Dragon Ball) : 10
- Fox McCloud (StarFox) : 12
- Falco Lombardi (StarFox) : 7
- Ike (Fire Emblem) : 9
- Marth (Fire Emblem) : 11
- Roy (Fire Emblem) : 10
- Eliwood (Fire Emblem) : 10
- Greil (Fire Emblem) : 10
- Ness (Earthbound) : 10
- Mr.Saturn (EarthBound) : 10
- Diablo (Diablo) : 10
- Baal (Diablo) : 10
- Mephisto (Diablo) : 10
- Arche (Tales Of Phantasia) : 10
- Klarth (Tales Of Phantasia) : 10
- Mist (Tales Of Phantasia) : 10
- Dhaos (Tales Of Phantasia) : 10
- Purim (Secret Of Mana) : 8
- Randi (Secret Of Mana) : 10
- Popoie (Secret Of Mana) : 10
- Eldy (Dawn Of Mana) : 10
- Ritzia (Dawn Of Mana) : 10
- Angela (Seiken Densetsu 3) : 11
- Carlie (Seiken Densetsu 3) : 10
- Duran (Seiken Densetsu 3) : 10
Liste des éliminés
- Cloud (Final Fantasy VII) => By S-Leonhart
- Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island) => By Skywalski
- Agent 47 (Hitman) => By [mario128]
- Ripto (Spyro) => By Adrien_3
- Nightmare (Soul Calibur) => By Adrien_3
- Megaman (Megaman) => By Deku_Link
- XIII (XIII) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Ryu Hayabusa (Dead Or Alive) => By Personne
- Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid) => By dreams
- Sparx (Spyro) => By Deku_Link
- Luigi (Luigi’s Mansion / Mario) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Ganondorf (Zelda) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Mario (Mario Bros) => By Dreams
- Red Harlow (Red Dead Revolver) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Pacman (Pacman) => By Dreams
- Toad (Mario) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Le Dahaka (Prince Of Persia) => By Adrien_3
- Donald (Kingdom Heart) => By Adrien_3
- Whispy Woods (Kirby) => By [mario128]
- Tony Hawk Pro Skater (Tony Hawk) => By dreams
- Peach (Super Princess Peach) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Caim (Dragenkard) => By [mario128]
- Pit (Kid Icarus) => By [mario128]
- Kain (Legacy Of Kain) => By Dreams
- Bowser (Mario Bros) => By Adrien_3
- Farah (Prince Of Persia) => By [mario128]
- Yoshi (Yoshi story) => By Dreams
- Bison (Street Fighter) => By Deku_Link
- Dingo (Kingdom Heart) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell) => By [mario128]
- King Kong (King Kong) => By GG_Senior
- Nightmare (Kirby) => By [mario128]
- Alias (Red Faction II) => By Dreams
- Youkis (Syberia2) => Deku_Link
- Kirby (Kirby) => By Youghy
- Zelda/Sheik (Zelda) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Sopot (Red Faction II) => By [mario128]
- Gaia (Grandia) => By [mario128]
- Chibi Robot (Chibi Robot) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Harman Smith (Killer 7) => By [mario128]
- Tangier ( Red Faction II ) => By Deku_Link
- Sly (Sly Cooper) => By GG_Senior
- Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) => By Jackasso
- Onox (Zelda) => By Jackasso
- Repta (Red Faction II) => By Deku_Link
- Kor (Jak 2) => By [mario128]
- Rouge (Sonic) => By GG_Senior
- Molov (Red Faction II) => By Dreams
- Nick Kang (True Crime) => By Daxterminator28
- Justin (Grandia) => By Dreams
- Vlad (Golden Sun) => By Dreams
- Zhang Liao (Dynasty Warriors) => By Manga2
- Kratos (God Of War) => By GG_Senior
- Bomberman (Bomberman) => By Dreams
- Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong) => By dreams
- Quill (Red Faction II) => By [mario128]
- James Bond (James Bond) => By GG_senior
- Shrike (Red Faction II) => By Daxterminator28
- Sergent Cortez (Timesplitters) => By manga2
- Raziel (Soul Reaver) => By manga2
- Nowe (Drakengard 2) => By dreams
- Pikmin (Pikmin) => By GG_senior
- Clank (Ratchet & Clank) => By Jackasso
- Lise (Seiken Densetsu 3) => By Adrien_3
- Joe (Viewtiful Joe) => By [mario128]
- Paul (Tekken) => By Jackasso
- Brad Wong (Dead Or Alive) => By [mario128]
- Heihachi (Tekken) => By manga2
- Pikachu (Pokemon) => By GG_senior
- Pavel (Golden Sun) => By GG_senior
- Metaknight (Kirby) => By Jackasso
- Gol (Jak And Daxter) => By manga2
- Rin (Tenchu) => GG_senior
- Ivan (Golden Sun) => VideoGammerMan
- Silvia (Viewtiful Joe) => manga2
- Jin (Tekken) => dreams
- Gordon Freeman (Half-Life) => GG_senior
- Alex (Golden Sun) => VideoGammerMan
- Capitaine Olimar (Pikmin) => Jackasso
- Zero (Megaman Zero) => Youghy62
- King K. Rool (Donkey Kong) => [mario128]
- Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank) => Jackasso
- Garett (Golden Sun) => VideoGammerMan
- Lloyd Irving (Tales Of Symphonia) => S-Leonhart
- Mewtwo (Pokemon) => dreams
- Ken (Street Fighter) => [mario128]
- Cpt.Falcon (F-Zero) => Jackasso
- Master Hand (Pokemon) => Jackasso
- Zhao Yun (Dynasty Warriors) => dreams
- Mr.Game And Watch (Pokemon) => Jackasso
- Samurai Goroh (F-Zero) => Youghy62
- Crazy Hand (Pokemon) => Youghy62
- Mitsurugi (Soul Calibur) => Youghy62
- Vaati (Zelda) => Xbox_Gun
- Guan Yu (Dynasty Warriors) => VideoGammerMan
- Krystal (StarFox) => Jackasso
- Ma Chao (Dynasty Warriors) => [mario128]
- General Scales (StarFox) => Jackasso
- Chasseur (Spyro) => Youghy62
- Lu Bu (Dynasty Warriors) => Xbox_Gun
- Kevin (Seiken Densetsu 3) => VideoGammerMan
- Dr.Eggman (Sonic The Hedgehog) => Jackasso
- Cless (Tales Of Phantasia) => VideoGammerMan
- Kazuya (Tekken) => Youghy62
- Andross (StarFox) => Jackasso
- Hawk (Seiken Densetsu 3) => VideoGammerMan
- Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot) => Xbox_Gun
Classement des killeurs
1er] [mario128] (17 kill : Agent 47, Whispy Woods, Caim, Pit, Farah, Sam Fisher, Nightmare, Sopot, Gaia, Harman Smith, Kor, Quill, Joe, Brad Wong, King K. Rool, Ken, Ma Chao)
2ème] dreams (16 kill: Ocelot, Mario, Pacman, Tony Hawk, Donkey Kong, Kain, Yoshi, Alias, Molov, Justin, Vlad, Bomberman, Nowe, Jin, Mewtwo, Zhao Yun)
3ème] Jackasso (14 kill : Lara Croft, Onox, Clank, Paul, Metaknight, Capitaine Olimar, Ratchet, Cpt.Falcon, Master Hand, Mr.Game And Watch, Krystal, General Scales, Dr.Eggman, Andross)
4ème] GG_Senior (10 kill: King Kong, Sly, Rouge, Kratos, James Bond, Pikmin, Pikachu, Pavel, Rin, Gordon Freeman)
4ème] snake_vergil[3] (9 kill : XIII, Luigi, Ganondorf, Red Harlow, Toad, Peach, Dingo, Zelda, Chibi Robot)
5ème] VideoGammerMan (7 kill : Ivan, Alex, Garett, Guan Yu, Kevin, Cless, Hawk)
6ème] Youghy62 (7 kill : Kirby, Zero, Samurai Goroh, Crazy Hand, Mitsurugi, Chasseur, Kazuya)
7ème] manga2 (6 kill : Zhang Liao, Sergent Cortez, Raziel, Heihachi, Gol, Silvia)
8ème] Deku_Link (6 kill : Megaman, Sparx, Bison, Youkis, Tangier, Repta)
9ème] Adrien_3 (6 kill : Ripto, Nightmare, Le Dahaka, Donald, Bowser, Lise)
10ème] Daxterminator28 (2 kill : Nick Kang, Shrike)
11ème] S-Leonhart (2 kill : Cloud, Lloyd Irving)
12ème] Xbox_Gun (3 kill : Vaati, Lu Bu, Crash Bandicoot)
13ème] Skywalski (1 kill : Guybrush Threepwood)
Liste des vainqueurs
~> Première saison : Nightmare (Soul Calibur).
~> Deuxieme saison : en cours...
+ 1 tidus
+ 1 rikku
+1 Kratos Aurion
+1 Sora
+ 2 rikku
+ Yuna
+ Ashe
Jack Tu crois que t´as le temps de changer de pseudo en 14 secondes xD ?
Enfin merci de ta confiance
-2 Duran
VideoGammerMan Je ne sais pas. Mort de rire ! Sinon ça peut arriver. Et de rien.
+ 1 Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil).
- 1 Falco Lombardi (StarFox).