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Sujet : ~Anti-Vote Master : V2~

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Psycho_Kimblee Psycho_Kimblee
Niveau 5
30 juillet 2007 à 01:20:29

Merci pour la maj :ok:

-2 Kasumi

Pseudo supprimé
Niveau 10
30 juillet 2007 à 01:48:56

-2 Sora (Kingdom Hearts)!

CarlosVela CarlosVela
Niveau 10
30 juillet 2007 à 03:01:41

- 2 Ashe

fullmetaljim fullmetaljim
Niveau 7
30 juillet 2007 à 10:01:30

-2 Leon S. Kennedy

Tigrou142000 Tigrou142000
Niveau 10
30 juillet 2007 à 11:28:04

:d) -2 Dante (Devil May Cry)

Adrien_3 Adrien_3
Niveau 10
30 juillet 2007 à 11:35:58

-2 Dante (Devil May Cry)

Niveau 5
30 juillet 2007 à 11:55:20

-2 Kaileena

coIdfinger coIdfinger
Niveau 44
30 juillet 2007 à 12:35:51

-2 Leon S. Kennedy

Manga2 Manga2
Niveau 10
30 juillet 2007 à 12:44:01

- 1 kratos aurion
- 1 shadow

Necro_del_mort Necro_del_mort
Niveau 4
30 juillet 2007 à 12:54:46

-2 dante :-)

Pseudo supprimé
Niveau 10
30 juillet 2007 à 17:59:03

-2 Sora (Kingdom Hearts)!

Tigrou142000 Tigrou142000
Niveau 10
30 juillet 2007 à 18:07:43

:d) -2 Dante (Devil May Cry)

Dreams Dreams
Niveau 10
30 juillet 2007 à 18:22:48

-2 Ashe

coIdfinger coIdfinger
Niveau 44
30 juillet 2007 à 19:28:40

-2 Ashe

Barb-trombeur Barb-trombeur
Niveau 4
30 juillet 2007 à 20:36:39

-2 dante

Manga2 Manga2
Niveau 10
30 juillet 2007 à 22:17:58

- 2 shadow

coIdfinger coIdfinger
Niveau 44
30 juillet 2007 à 23:05:55


Désormais, les votes ne se déroulent plus par tranche de douze heures mais par tranche de huit heures. C´est à dire que vous pouvez voter trois fois dans la journée. Voici les trois créneaux :

-> 00H01 à 08H00.
-> 08H01 à 16H00.
-> 16H01 à 00H00.

:ange: Liste des concurrents :ange:

- Link (Zelda) : 101

- Kaileena (Prince Of Persia) : 89

- Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil) : 169

- Sora (Kingdom Hearts) : 28

- Dante (Devil May Cry) : 36

- Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog) : 60
- Shadow (Sonic The Hedgehog) : 10

- Ashe (Final Fantasy XII) : 154

- Jak (Jak And Daxter) : 34

- Kasumi (Dead Or Alive) : 90

- Kratos Aurion (Tales Of Symphonia) : 85

:mort: Liste des éliminés :mort:

- Cloud (Final Fantasy VII) => By S-Leonhart
- Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island) => By skywalski
- Agent 47 (Hitman) => By [mario128]
- Ripto (Spyro) => By Adrien_3
- Nightmare (Soul Calibur) => By Adrien_3
- Megaman (Megaman) => By Deku_Link
- XIII (XIII) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Ryu Hayabusa (Dead Or Alive) => By Personne
- Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid) => By dreams
- Sparx (Spyro) => By Deku_Link
- Luigi (Luigi’s Mansion / Mario) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Ganondorf (Zelda) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Mario (Mario Bros) => By dreams
- Red Harlow (Red Dead Revolver) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Pacman (Pacman) => By dreams
- Toad (Mario) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Le Dahaka (Prince Of Persia) => By Adrien_3
- Donald (Kingdom Heart) => By Adrien_3
- Whispy Woods (Kirby) => By [mario128]
- Tony Hawk Pro Skater (Tony Hawk) => By dreams
- Peach (Super Princess Peach) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Caim (Dragenkard) => By [mario128]
- Pit (Kid Icarus) => By [mario128]
- Kain (Legacy Of Kain) => By dreams
- Bowser (Mario Bros) => By Adrien_3
- Farah (Prince Of Persia) => By [mario128]
- Yoshi (Yoshi story) => By dreams
- Bison (Street Fighter) => By Deku_Link
- Dingo (Kingdom Heart) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell) => By [mario128]
- King Kong (King Kong) => By GG_Senior
- Nightmare (Kirby) => By [mario128]
- Alias (Red Faction II) => By dreams
- Youkis (Syberia2) => Deku_Link
- Kirby (Kirby) => By Youghy
- Zelda/Sheik (Zelda) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Sopot (Red Faction II) => By [mario128]
- Gaia (Grandia) => By [mario128]
- Chibi Robot (Chibi Robot) => By snake_vergil[3]
- Harman Smith (Killer 7) => By [mario128]
- Tangier ( Red Faction II ) => By Deku_Link
- Sly (Sly Cooper) => By GG_Senior
- Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) => By Jackasso
- Onox (Zelda) => By Jackasso
- Repta (Red Faction II) => By Deku_Link
- Kor (Jak 2) => By [mario128]
- Rouge (Sonic) => By GG_Senior
- Molov (Red Faction II) => By dreams
- Nick Kang (True Crime) => By Daxterminator28
- Justin (Grandia) => By dreams
- Vlad (Golden Sun) => By dreams
- Zhang Liao (Dynasty Warriors) => By manga2
- Kratos (God Of War) => By GG_Senior
- Bomberman (Bomberman) => By dreams
- Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong) => By dreams
- Quill (Red Faction II) => By [mario128]
- James Bond (James Bond) => By GG_senior
- Shrike (Red Faction II) => By Daxterminator28
- Sergent Cortez (Timesplitters) => By manga2
- Raziel (Soul Reaver) => By manga2
- Nowe (Drakengard 2) => By dreams
- Pikmin (Pikmin) => By GG_senior
- Clank (Ratchet & Clank) => By Jackasso
- Lise (Seiken Densetsu 3) => By Adrien_3
- Joe (Viewtiful Joe) => By [mario128]
- Paul (Tekken) => By Jackasso
- Brad Wong (Dead Or Alive) => By [mario128]
- Heihachi (Tekken) => By manga2
- Pikachu (Pokemon) => By GG_senior
- Pavel (Golden Sun) => By GG_senior
- Metaknight (Kirby) => By Jackasso
- Gol (Jak And Daxter) => By manga2
- Rin (Tenchu) => By GG_senior
- Ivan (Golden Sun) => By VideoGammerMan
- Silvia (Viewtiful Joe) => By manga2
- Jin (Tekken) => By dreams
- Gordon Freeman (Half-Life) => By GG_senior
- Alex (Golden Sun) => By VideoGammerMan
- Capitaine Olimar (Pikmin) => By Jackasso
- Zero (Megaman Zero) => By Youghy62
- King K. Rool (Donkey Kong) => By [mario128]
- Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank) => By Jackasso
- Garett (Golden Sun) => By VideoGammerMan
- Lloyd Irving (Tales Of Symphonia) => By S-Leonhart
- Mewtwo (Pokemon) => By dreams
- Ken (Street Fighter) => By [mario128]
- Cpt.Falcon (F-Zero) => By Jackasso
- Master Hand (Pokemon) => By Jackasso
- Zhao Yun (Dynasty Warriors) => By dreams
- Mr.Game And Watch (Pokemon) => By Jackasso
- Samurai Goroh (F-Zero) => By Youghy62
- Crazy Hand (Pokemon) => By Youghy62
- Mitsurugi (Soul Calibur) => By Youghy62
- Vaati (Zelda) => By Xbox_Gun
- Guan Yu (Dynasty Warriors) => By VideoGammerMan
- Krystal (StarFox) => By Jackasso
- Ma Chao (Dynasty Warriors) => By [mario128]
- General Scales (StarFox) => By Jackasso
- Chasseur (Spyro) => By Youghy62
- Lu Bu (Dynasty Warriors) => By Xbox_Gun
- Kevin (Seiken Densetsu 3) => By VideoGammerMan
- Dr.Eggman (Sonic The Hedgehog) => By Jackasso
- Cless (Tales Of Phantasia) => By VideoGammerMan
- Kazuya (Tekken) => By Youghy62
- Andross (StarFox) => By Jackasso
- Hawk (Seiken Densetsu 3) => By VideoGammerMan
- Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot) => By Xbox_Gun
- Purim (Secret Of Mana) => By Jackasso
- Duran (Seiken Densetsu 3) => By VideoGammerMan
- Falco Lombardi (StarFox) => By Jackasso
- Veran (Zelda) : => By Youghy62
- Seymour (Final Fantasy X) => By Vlexx
- Carlie (Seiken Densetsu 3) => By [mario128]
- Fox McCloud (StarFox) => By Jackasso
- Onimusha (Onimusha) => By Jackasso
- Mother Brain (Metroïd) => By Xbox_Gun
- Angela (Seiken Densetsu 3) => By Jackasso
- Ritzia (Dawn Of Mana) => By Jackasso
- Eldy (Dawn Of Mana) => By VideoGammerMan
- Popoie (Secret Of Mana) => By Jackasso
- Mr.Saturn (EarthBound) => By Vlexx
- Dingodile (Crash Bandicoot) => By Jackasso
- Randi (Secret Of Mana) => By VideoGammerMan
- Spyro (Spyro) => By Vlexx
- Ness (Earthbound) => By VideoGammerMan
- Raine (Tales Of Symphonia) => By Jackasso
- Dhaos (Tales Of Phantasia) => By Jackasso
- Natalya (James Bond) => By Youghy62
- Sheena (Tales Of Symphonia) => By Jackasso
- Cell (Dragon Ball) => By Vlexx
- Mist (Tales Of Phantasia) => By Youghy62
- Trevelyan (James Bond) => By Jackasso
- Ayame (Tenchu) => By [mario128]
- Marth (Fire Emblem) => By -Titou19-
- Arche (Tales Of Phantasia) => By Jackasso
- Presea (Tales Of Symphonia) => By Vlexx
- Dr Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot) => By Jackasso
- Kraid (Metroïd) => By Jackasso
- Klarth (Tales Of Phantasia) => By -Titou19-
- Diablo (Diablo) => By Vlexx
- Tidus (Final Fantasy X) => By dreams
- Eliwood (Fire Emblem) => By -Titou19-
- Vaan (Final Fantasy XII) => By Jackasso
- Mephisto (Diablo) => By [mario128]
- Metroid Prime (Metroïd) => By [mario128]
- Professeur (Spyro) => By Jackasso
- Hwoarang (Tekken) => By Adrien_3
- Tiny Tiger (Crash Bandicoot) => By Jackasso
- K & K (Animal Crossing) => By Os303
- Kuja (Final Fantasy IX) => By Vlexx
- Greil (Fire Emblem) => By Os303
- Baal (Diablo) => By Adrien_3
- Roy (Fire Emblem) => By VideoGammerMan
- Tom Nook (Animal Crossing) => By VideoGammerMan
- Ivy (Soul Calibur) => By -Titou19-
- Samus (Metroïd) => By -Titou19-
- Ike (Fire Emblem) => By -Titou19-
- Ryu (Street Fighter) => By -Titou19-
- Knuckles (Sonic The Hedgehog) => By Youghy62
- Trunk (Dragon Ball) => By Adrien_3
- Vega (Street Fighter) => By Jackasso
- Amy (Sonic The Hedgehog) => By Jackasso
- Djidane (Final Fantasy IX) => By VideoGammerMan
- Le Vizir (Prince Of Persia) => By Youghy62
- Sangohan (Dragon Ball) => By -Titou19-
- Chun-Li (Street Fighter) => By dreams
- Diddy Kong (Donkey Kong) => By Os303
- Coco Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot) => By -Titou19-
- Ryo Hazuki (Shenmue) => By Adiren_3
- Nemesis (Resident Evil) => By Jackasso
- Seifer (Final Fantasy VIII) => By masterlink78
- Tails (Sonic The Hedgehog) => By Jackasso
- Sangoku (Dragon Ball) => By Jackasso
- Ridley / Meta-Ridley (Metroïd) => By -Titou19-
- Rikimaru (Tenchu) => By Jackasso
- Astaroth (Soul Calibur) => By [mario128]
- Chris Refield (Resident Evil) => By Os303
- Carl Jonhson (Grand Theft Auto) => By Jackasso
- Raiden (Metal Gear Solid) => By Adrien_3
- Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) => By levilaincoco
- Jill Valentine (Resident Evil) => By -Titou19-
- Snake (Metal Gear Solid) => By Jackasso
- Le Prince de Perse (Prince Of Persia) => By Os303
- Daxter (Jak And Daxter) => By levilaincoco
- Master Chief (Halo) => By VideoGammerMan
- Squall (Final Fantasy VIII) => By Jackasso
- Riku (Kingdom Hearts) => By Adrien_3
- Kilik (Soul Calibur) => By o0O0o
- The Boss (Metal Gear Solid) => By VideoGammerMan
- Vergil (Devil May Cry) => By coldfinger
- Errol / Cyber-Errol (Jak And Daxter) => By VideoGammerMan
- Big Boss (Metal Gear Solid) => By Adrien_3
- Rikku (Final Fantasy X et Final Fantasy X-2) => By -Titou19-
- Cervantes (Soul Calibur) => By Jackasso
- Ada Wong (Resident Evil) => By Orochimaru2
- Vegeta (Dragon Ball) => By coldfinger
- Tommy Vercetti (Grand Theft Auto) => By -Titou19-
- Yuna (Final Fantasy X et Final Fantasy X-2) => By coldfinger
- Hitomi (Dead Or Alive) => By coldfinger
- Ayane (Dead or Alive) => By Tomy
- Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) => By AkasunaNoSasori (Tomy)

:diable: Classement des killeurs :diable:

01er] Jackasso (42 kill : Lara Croft, Onox, Clank, Paul, Metaknight, Capitaine Olimar, Ratchet, Cpt.Falcon, Master Hand, Mr.Game And Watch, Krystal, General Scales, Dr.Eggman, Andross, Purim, Falco Lombardi, Fox McCloud, Onimusha, Angela, Ritzia, Popoie, Dingodile, Raine, Dhaos, Sheena, Trevelyan, Arche, Dr Neo Cortex, Kraid, Vaan, Professeur, Tiny Tiger, Vega, Amy, Nemesis, Tails, Sangoku, Rikimaru, Carl Jonhson, Snake, Squall, Cervantes)
02ème] [mario128] (22 kill : Agent 47, Whispy Woods, Caim, Pit, Farah, Sam Fisher, Nightmare, Sopot, Gaia, Harman Smith, Kor, Quill, Joe, Brad Wong, King K. Rool, Ken, Ma Chao, Carlie, Ayame, Mephisto, Metroid Prime, Astaroth)
03ème] dreams (17 kill: Ocelot, Mario, Pacman, Tony Hawk, Donkey Kong, Kain, Yoshi, Alias, Molov, Justin, Vlad, Bomberman, Nowe, Jin, Mewtwo, Zhao Yun, Chun-Li)
04ème] VideoGammerMan (17 kill : Ivan, Alex, Garett, Guan Yu, Kevin, Cless, Hawk, Duran, Eldy, Randi, Ness, Roy, Tom Nook, Djidane, Master Chief, The Boss, Errol / Cyber-Errol)
05ème] Adrien_3 (13 kill : Ripto, Nightmare, Le Dahaka, Donald, Bowser, Lise, Hwoarang, Baal, Trunk, Ryo Hazuki, Raiden, Riku, Big Boss)
06ème] -Titou19- (13 kill : Marth, Klarth, Eliwood, Ivy, Samus, Ike, Ryu, Sangohan, Coco Bandicoot, Ridley / Meta-Ridley, Jill Valentine, Rikku, Tommy Vercetti)
07ème] Youghy62 (12 kill : Kirby, Zero, Samurai Goroh, Crazy Hand, Mitsurugi, Chasseur, Kazuya, Veran, Natalya, Mist, Knuckles, Le Vizir)
08ème] GG_Senior (10 kill: King Kong, Sly, Rouge, Kratos, James Bond, Pikmin, Pikachu, Pavel, Rin, Gordon Freeman)
09ème] snake_vergil[3] (9 kill : XIII, Luigi, Ganondorf, Red Harlow, Toad, Peach, Dingo, Zelda, Chibi Robot)
10ème] Vlexx (7 kill : Seymour, Mr.Saturn, Spyro, Cell, Presea, Diablo, Kuja)
11ème] manga2 (6 kill : Zhang Liao, Sergent Cortez, Raziel, Heihachi, Gol, Silvia)
12ème] Deku_Link (6 kill : Megaman, Sparx, Bison, Youkis, Tangier, Repta)
13ème] Os303 (5 kill : K & K, Greil, Diddy Kong, Chris Refield, Le Prince de Perse)
14ème] Xbox_Gun (4 kill : Vaati, Lu Bu, Crash Bandicoot, Mother Brain)
15ème] coldfinger (4 kill : Vergil, Vegeta, Yuna, Hitomi)
16ème] Daxterminator28 (2 kill : Nick Kang, Shrike)
17ème] levilaincoco (2 kill : Kairi, Daxter)
18ème] S-Leonhart (2 kill : Cloud, Lloyd Irving)
19ème] Tomy (2 kill : Ayane, Sephiroth)
20ème] skywalski (1 kill : Guybrush Threepwood)
21ème] masterlink78 (1 kill : Seifer)
22ème] o0O0o (1 kill : Kilik)
23ème] Orochimaru2 (1 kill : Ada Wong)

:d) Liste des vainqueurs :g)

~> Première saison : Nightmare (Soul Calibur).
~> Deuxieme saison : en cours...

coIdfinger coIdfinger
Niveau 44
30 juillet 2007 à 23:06:54

Demain je ne serais plus présent, à vous de voir qui prend la relève en attendant le retour de Jackasso :)

Dreams Dreams
Niveau 10
31 juillet 2007 à 00:01:57

-2 Link

Tigrou142000 Tigrou142000
Niveau 10
31 juillet 2007 à 00:03:14

:d) -2 Dante (Devil May Cry)

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