Roooo ma blague sur le casque ON a pas marcher
Je me permet de poster en décalage, la traduction française :
Passé un intermède involontaire, la présentation reprend son court. Retour avec une vidéo de mise en bouche qui nous renseigne sur le programme. Pas le droit de filmer, mais beaucoup sortent leur téléphone portable pour prendre des photos.
Satoru Iwata prend alors la parole. Le temps de synthétiser et c´est en ligne.
vs puvé faire lé traductions svp
lol si jme suis demandé ce ke tu raocntai lol
Ouh le chat comment on fait pour s´y rendre?
´´mister-homer Posté le 23 mars 2006 à 19:55:51
TDCAU, tagueule!
Tu me parle autrement du con lajoi ok ?
Ok, tout est en place, on attend plus que la révo...
10:50: The game industry is ready for disruption.
tu va sur google comme tout le monde )
NON AU CPE !! !!!!
today g manifesté et bloké mon lycée *fier*
task force to make a product whose appeal would include everyone from children to seniors - some of the taskforce had little experience of development. They settled on the Brain Training idea because of the popularity of books along those lines in Japan at the time - Nintendo CFO Mori-san was a big fan of them, he says.
bon, les boulets ils sortent,
je pense qu´il s´est emballé TDCAU,la pression sans doute,lol
10:55: Talks about Brain Training. Introduces the concept of the title: using software to stimulate brain activity.
10:58: Tells story about how the prototype was demoed, they were measure the impact with a brain scanning device.
´´uchiha38 Posté le 23 mars 2006 à 19:58:24
je pense qu´il s´est emballé TDCAU,la pression sans doute,lol
Oui lol mais je voulais d´étendre l´atmosphère
Update 2:
Iwata is walking the audience through the tremendous success of their portable line and how it compares to the Playstation 2 in Japan.
The Brain Games, he says, are an example of the possibilities of the DS.
“Where did this idea come from? I’m sure you can guess it started where all great games begin, from a board of directors.”
The story goes that an exec complained he didn’t know anybody his age who plays games.
“I thought it was a good idea but I thought it was a mistake to create something that would appeal just to seniors.”
“I asked each of our four development groups to nominate someone to start on a task force.”
The goal, he says, was to make a game that would appeal to everyone from young to old.
Bon je crois que je vais attendre demain car je ne comprends rien!
c´est bon,ca me rappelle l´E3 et le TGS,trop cool,lol!