Vous faites comment pour pas tomber sur des bots avec leurs liens a la con svp ? moi ya que ça
Jerry a farfear
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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: Salut laputte
You: what is laputte ?
Stranger: Oh it's bitch in French
You: i'm cristina , 17 from croatia
Stranger: Ohh
Stranger: Pk
Stranger: It's a Beautiful countri
Stranger: Yy
You: Ben alors tu deviens subitement plus doux vielle lopette ?
Vieux puceau no life va OWNED
Stranger: Oh oh oh
Stranger: Je viens de belgique
You: 15-18 ?
Stranger: Mais
Stranger: Pas de jvc
Stranger: Tu m'as bien eu sal hope
Bon j'y moi, bonne nuit.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi....asl?
You: 57 m afganistan
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: Salut
You: sale racl
Stranger: hi
Stranger: english mutha fucka!
You: Ok j'en parlerais à mon rhinocéros mutant
C'était un Raton Laveur
Je rencontre que des trisos ou des roberts.
Le truc marrant c'est de leur dire YUGIOH ils quittent direct !
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: bonjour jeune homme
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
OMG nous ne sommes pas seul a faire des topics sur OMEGLE
preuves: http://www.createblog.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=232519&st=25&start=25
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: SAlut ca va?
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: qui
You: toi
Stranger: ;)
Stranger: porquoi
Stranger: repete apres moi sil vous plait
Stranger: set un stylo
Stranger: set une craie
You: nan mais jte demande si tu vas bien?
You: tu comprend?
Stranger: qui
You: toi
Stranger: qui qui
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: heya
You: hiya
Stranger: asl?
You: /turtle/258/Mars
You: and you
Stranger: lol
Stranger: 18 f pl
You: pl for pluton?
Stranger: maybe. haha or poland in the earth.
You: oh
You: sorry but
You: i don't love humans
You: bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hey
You: Salut
Stranger: asl
You: Arabe
You: From Irak
Stranger: ow that's kinda cool
Stranger: i'm from the netherlands
You: Netherlands?
You: Neverland???
Stranger: is there still a war over there?
Stranger: no the netherlands
Stranger: neverland is from peter pan
You: What is like to be fucked by Micakel Jackson
You: A ok
Stranger: i don't even know him
You: a freind say to me that France>Netherlands
You: I think it's true
Stranger: ye i think so too but he is already dead
You: He adds that franche have big dick
Stranger: but i'm a girl so i don't have a dick
You: No my freind is Barack Obama
You: a ok
Stranger: well and how old are you?
You: so you have what instead of?
Stranger: yes duhhh
You: I'm 17
Stranger: aha i'm
Stranger: 15
You: a ok
Your conversational partner has disconnected
A ok c'est moi qui passe pour un pédophile là
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Salut
Your conversational partner has disconnected
A ok le bide
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: salut
Stranger: àË
You: tu es un chinois
You: raclure de communiste
Stranger: ¸ò
Stranger: ɳС
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Un stranger avec des blagues pour le moins douteuses
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: How many dead babies does it take to paint a room?
Stranger: Depends on how many you throw at the walls
Stranger: How do you make a dead baby float?
Stranger: Take your foot off it
You: lol
Stranger: What's red and mushy and goes around 80 miles an hour?
You: really ?
Stranger: Dead babies in a blender
Stranger: What makes a person's throat hurts
Stranger: *hurt?
Stranger: Swallowing whole dead babie
Stranger: s
Stranger: DIE
Stranger: Sory tired ok bye
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hello, I'm jason, 20 from china
You: Jerry des chinois
You: Bien de tous se ressembler ?
You: Vexé ?
Stranger: sex
You: Comment ça sex ?
Stranger: where are you from
You: France
You: C'est une dictatu... démocratie
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: Hello I am Michael Jackson.
Stranger: bonjour
Stranger: so you're dead
You: T'es français ?
Stranger: ben oui
You: ENFIN un français .
Stranger: 15-18?
You: Ouaip' .
You: Putain , du premier coup .
You: Pseudal ?
Stranger: ]susuleroi[
Stranger: le tien?
You: Adrenalyne .
Stranger: okay
You: Bon , je part en chasse d'autre français , a bientot sur le forum . ++
You have disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Guess a number between 0 and 100.
You: 7
Stranger: 7 is not correct try again Higher
You: 98
Stranger: 98 is not correct try again Lower
You: 1
Stranger: 1 is not correct try again Higher
You: 2
Stranger: 2 is not correct try again Higher
You: 3
Stranger: 3 is not correct try again Higher
You: 4
Stranger: 4 is not correct try again Higher
You: 5
Stranger: 5 is not correct try again Higher
You: Taggle pour voir
Stranger: Please stop wasting my CPU time and guess some numbers
You: Salut!!!
Stranger: yes
Stranger: that is it.
You: Tu es idiot toi?
You: Je te dis salut et toi tu me repond "oui"
Stranger: yes, yes I am.
You: Stupide americain
Stranger: YAWN
Stranger: BORING ME.
You: C'est bien beau tout ca.....
You: Mais il est l'heure que j'aillle chier
You: a+
You have disconnected.