une bonne release de tex ???
putain il a l'air énorme l'arc en cours de One Piece
Y'a pas au dela de 480p Balmain
le topic meurt
faudrait songer à l'enterrer
a quand l'enterrement ?
ptn... même en dvd rip c'est chiant à trouver
au pire on quitte tous le topic a la fin de l'episode 12(si il dure jusque la) et on laisse une nouvelle generation s'installer dessus...
If you think that something on your computer is setting this page as your homepage... You are wrong. Some idiot authored a Yahoo! Widget (probably this one - a poorly written POP3 Widget) a while back that YOU installed that is dropping you onto this page every time you start your web browser. I'm not the author, but the Yahoo! Widget is trying to get you to install OpenSSL so it can operate properly. You have two options: Uninstall the Widget or install OpenSSL (not necessarily Win32 OpenSSL). If you are the author of the Widget, you are an idiot and we need to have a talk about how to properly distribute your software (not to mention that what you are doing is at least immoral if not illegal).
Whoever is bothering my ISP, stop it. The files on this page are 100% virus/malware free. Don't believe me? http://www.virustotal.com/ If you have a problem with something, contact me, not my ISP.
Stop asking me for versions of OpenSSL that have security vulnerabilities in them! That would be any version of OpenSSL prior to the absolute latest build. This is a security product and yet you people constantly ask me for a version with security vulnerabilities in it?! Oh the irony. Please punch yourself in the face to knock some common sense into yourself. Thank you.
putain le pauvre
tu mates en VOSTA balmain?
bah n'importe
dans l'ep 1 je l'ai matté en vosta et y'a eu genre 3min de dialogue ça gène pas
Effet enfant + toucher le chateau de sable
Je crois que je suis dans la télé du premier screen y'a des grésillement et bruit blanc de temps en temps depuis le second screen.
nyaa.eu Balmain
avec 26 seedeurs je l'aurait ptet dans 5 mois
7h perso
Au bout de l'escalier
Essaie celui là Angivare DL asses vite dessus