Chaud Coco !
Ptde faut que je l'éssaye ce jeu.
faut pas croire que Doujin = truc de cul
Gogote J'suis ptdr là
Abalo, il est l'heure d'aller te coucher
T'es pas encore partit ? Ah bon...
cul = H-doujin
Juve Ahahahahahah
Faut que je trouve de doujins de Tsukihime !
Je vais manger @+
Cte rage l'image de Saber que je veux foutre fait 564ko >_<
Bon app'
bon app' à 15h30
Chaud comment que c'est bien endormi cet aprem quand même...
Vive les dimanches...
Rapetici la !
déjà le weekend de passé
jayjay envoye moi l'image et je te la réduis
Trop pas flemme
C'estr bon je l'ai fais
Prohibited Content
In addition, you may not use the Site to upload any of the following:
* Child pornography: Any photograph or photorealistic drawing or movie that depicts children in a sexual manner. This includes nudity, explicit sex, and implied sex.
* Bestiality: Any photograph or photorealistic drawing or movie that depicts humans having sex (either explicit or implied) with other non-human animals.
* Furry: Any image or movie where a person's skin is made of fur or scales.
* Watermarked: Any image where a person who is not the original copyright owner has placed a watermark on the image.
* Poorly compressed: Any image where compression artifacts are easily visible.
* Grotesque: Any depiction of extreme mutilation, extreme bodily distension, feces, or bodies that are far outside the realm of normal human proportion (for example, breasts that are as large as the body).
quel est donc ce site ?