A défauts de puces on m'a cherché des poux... oh oh oh
J'espère que la mise en forme vous siéra bien cette fois !
• 6DoF Six degrees of freedom Out of game acronym Directions of movement (usually used talking about flight controllers. See: HOTAS) Up/down, back/forward, left/right, pitch, yaw, and roll
• AH Asteroid Hangar In game acronym A hangar based on an asteroid
• BDSSE Best Damn Space Simulator Ever Out of game acronym As in, CIG and CR will make Star Citizen the Best Damn Space Simulator Ever
• CIG Cloud Imperium Games Out of game acronym The independent studio developing Star Citizen
• Connie Constellation Ship Classified as a "Multi-Function" ship
• CR Chris Roberts Out of game acronym The founder of Cloud Imperium Games and creator of Start Citizen, Wing Commander and Freelancer series
• DFM Dogfight Module Acronym A pre-alpha version of the game used to test balance, server load and more
• HOTAS Hands on throttle and stick Out of game acronym Joystick/flight stick and throttle peripherals for your computer. When used together they are called a HOTAS
• Lancer Freelancer Ship Classified as a "Mercantile" ship
• LTI Lifetime Insurance In game acronym Ship hull insurance that covers the ship forever. Was only available to Kickstarter backers and on select ships during the anniversary sale
• Melt Sell for in game credits Out of game jargon Melt is often used in place of sell when talking about exchanging a ship for UEC in order to buy another ship. Ex. "I melted my Hornet to get a scout"
• MM Banu Merchantman Ship Classified as a "Merchant Clipper" ship
• RSI Roberts Space Industries In and out of game acronym In game it is one of the ship manufactures. It is also the name of the Star Citizen official website.
• SC Star Citizen Out of game acronym The game of whose forums you are on
• Scout Xi'An Khartu Scout Ship Classified as a "Mercantile" ship
• SH F7C-M Super Hornet Ship Classified as a "Space Superiority" ship
• SHI Ship Hull Insurance In game Insurance Ship insurance that only covers the hull, not any upgrades or cargo
• Stella Constellation Ship Classified as a "Multi-Function" ship. Also see: Connie
• Tali Retaliator Ship Classified as a "Long-Range Bomber" ship
• TR (ex. TR1) Thruster Rating In game acronym The rating/measurement system for thrusters in Star Citizen. The higher the number, the more powerful the thruster.
• UEC United Earth Credits In game acronym The official currency of the Central Core Bank. AKA, the in game money
• UEE United Empire of Earth In game acronym The main government in the universe. Can become a citizen.
Verse Universe In game jargon A short word for universe. Fairly common in sci-fi movies, shows and books
• VTOL Vertical Take Off and Landing In game acronym An aircraft that takes off and lands vertically is a VTOL.
• WM Wingman In game acronym A partner that you fly with, usually for mutual protection in dogfights
• WMH or WH Wingman's Hangar Out of game acronym A weekly video broadcast brought to the fans by President of Development Eric Peterson.
c'est bien je suis sur que y'en a qui ralerons quand même mais moi je soutiens
Très sympa, il aurait pu être intéressant de traduire.
Mais j'aime beaucoup, ce sera utile.
Entre Lancer et LTI il manque un espace
Sinon bien le sujet, j'ai appris BDSSE
merci, comme la FAQ, j'imagine que va évoluer ?
Oui, faudra le refaire avec des ajouts et peut être une traduction...
UEE : United Empire of Earth ETU : L'Empire de la Terre Unie ? L'Empire Terrien Unifié ?
(Dans la lignée des traductions des termes Star Trek.
United Federation of Planets La Fédération des Planètes Unies.
Bonne initiative.
J'ai refaire ça au propre pour qu'il soit peut être épinglé avec traduction. Si vous avez d'autres idées comme Merrick, n'hésitez pas.
D'ailleurs, la trad est vraiment utile ? J'dis ça parce que ce sont des termes simples.
UEE Empire Uni de la Terre, littéralement. Après tu peux modeler ça plus joliment, comme Coalition Impériale Terrestre, ou Empire des nations Unifiées de la Terre, etc...
Empire Uni de la Terre, oui c'est la seule proposition qui venait tout en restant fidèle.
Elle sonne mieux mais l'acronyme le fait moins (EUT à la place de ETU).
Mais pour les traductions, vaut mieux resté fidèle.
Merci Fab d'avoir effectué une mise en forme. C'est buvable maintenant. Et intéressant !
J'ai fait un version plus propre qui pourrait être épinglée.
Si Cthulhus veut bien clore ou supprimer ce topic, je vais en faire un troisième (désolé) propre à épingler si c'est possible.
Sinon pour la traduction, ce sont des termes anglais, donc l’Intérêt de mettre une version française est réduit. Mais si des gens comprennent pas certains termes, on pourrait tout simplement leur expliquer dans le topic.
Selon moi la "traduction" ne ce fait pas sur les abréviations, mais sur le texte qui explique la chose après.
C'est pas forcement obligatoire, mais on sais tous qu'il y a des gaulois qui sont pas copain avec l'outre-manche
BDSSE Best Damn Space Simulator Ever Out of game acronym As in, CIG and CR will make Star Citizen the Best Damn Space Simulator Ever
Elle m'a tué celle-là! xD en plus ça fait BaDaSSE!!
Y'a pas de E à badass, mais bien vu.
Tu pourrais ajouté
OR : Oculus Rift
Mise à jour :
• 6DoF (out of game acronym): Six degrees of freedom - Directions of movement (usually used talking about flight controllers. See: HOTAS) Up/down, back/forward, left/right, pitch, yaw, and roll
• AH (in-game acronym): Asteroid Hangar - A hangar based on an asteroid
• BDSSE (out of game acronym): Best Damn Space Simulator Ever - As in, CIG and CR will make Star Citizen the Best Damn Space Simulator Ever
• CIG (out of game acronym): Cloud Imperium Games - The independent studio developing Star Citizen
• Connie (ship): Constellation - Classified as a "Multi-Function" ship
• CR (out of game acronym): Chris Roberts - The founder of Cloud Imperium Games and creator of Start Citizen, Wing Commander and Freelancer series
• DFM (acronym): Dogfight Module - A pre-alpha version of the game used to test balance, server load and more
• HOTAS (out of game acronym): Hands on throttle and stick - Joystick/flight stick and throttle peripherals for your computer. When used together they are called a HOTAS
• Lancer (ship): Freelancer - Classified as a "Mercantile" ship
• LTI (in-game acronym): Lifetime Insurance - Ship hull insurance that covers the ship forever. Was only available to Kickstarter backers and on select ships during the anniversary sale
• Melt (out of game jargon): Sell for in game credits - Melt is often used in place of sell when talking about exchanging a ship for UEC in order to buy another ship. Ex. "I melted my Hornet to get a scout"
• MM (ship): Banu Merchantman - Classified as a "Merchant Clipper" ship
• OR (out of game acronym): Oculus Rift - An upcoming virtual reality head-mounted display.
• PU (out of game acronym) : Persistant Universe - The Star Citizen element
• RSI (in and out of game acronym): Roberts Space Industries - In game it is one of the ship manufactures. It is also the name of the Star Citizen official website.
• SC (out of game acronym): Star Citizen - The game of whose forums you are on
• Scout (ship): Xi'An Khartu Scout - Classified as a "Mercantile" ship
• SH (ship): F7C-M Super Hornet - Classified as a "Space Superiority" ship
• SHI (in-game insurance): Ship Hull Insurance - Ship insurance that only covers the hull, not any upgrades or cargo
• SQ42 (out of game acronym): Squadron 42 - The Star Citizen single-player campaign
• Stella (ship): Constellation - Classified as a "Multi-Function" ship. Also see: Connie
• Tali (ship): Retaliator - Classified as a "Long-Range Bomber" ship
• TR (ex. TR1, in-game acronym): Thruster Rating - The rating/measurement system for thrusters in Star Citizen. The higher the number, the more powerful the thruster.
• UEC (in-game acronym): United Earth Credits - The official currency of the Central Core Bank. AKA, the in game money
• UEE (in-game acronym): United Empire of Earth - The main government in the universe. Can become a citizen.
Verse Universe In game jargon A short word for universe. Fairly common in sci-fi movies, shows and books
• Verse (in-game jargon): A short word for universe - Fairly common in sci-fi movies, shows and books
• VTOL (in-game acronym): Vertical Take Off and Landing - An aircraft that takes off and lands vertically is a VTOL
• WM (in-game acronym): Wingman - A partner that you fly with, usually for mutual protection in dogfights
• WMH or WH (out of game acronym): Wingman's Hangar - A weekly video broadcast brought to the fans by President of Development Eric Peterson