Je dirais que ça dépend en partie du succès du jeu, mais je pense qu'ils le feront, le jeu devrait pas trop mal se vendre.
Voici le fidèle copié collé du chat entre Egosoft et le site Holdtheline
One of the most encouraging developments to come about in the recent years is the renewed excitement for the Space Sim. One developer that has always been a huge contributor to this rich and diverse genre is Egosoft. As they continue to support X3 with new content and the announcement of X Rebirth this franchise shows no signs of slowing down. Hold the Line had a chance to chat with Bernd Lehahn over at Egosoft about their experiences in the industry, expansion philosophy, DRM, and the future of the X Universe.
HTL: Thank you for taking the time to answer a few of our questions; it is a pleasure to have this opportunity, as I am a huge science-fiction fan myself. Without further ado, let’s get started.
What can you tell us about Egosoft, about its creation and overall outlook on the industry?
ES: Well we are a small little game developer in Germany with now about 20 people exclusively working on space simulation games for more than 15 years. While space games became a bit of a niche in the last decade, I think the future looks bright as now again a couple of exciting new games seem to revive the genre.
HTL: The Company was founded in 1988, which makes it pretty old for a relatively small company. Small development studies (at least in North America) usually don’t survive this long before being absorbed or collapsing. Why do you think Egosoft has managed to survive this long?
ES: In the first 10 years we developed commercial games that all didn't pay back the money they cost. So in all these years we had to work on advertisement games next to these main projects to fund our work. This taught us to be careful once we then had our "big hit", when X Beyond the Frontier came out.
HTL: The X-Series was first released in 1999 and has become the company’s main staple. What were the reasons and motivations to move to this genre of games, and why did the company decide to focus entirely on making continuations for the X-Series?
ES: We worked on a space game for the Amiga already in the early 90's but unfortunately this never made it past the experimental state. Funnily the last incarnation for the Amiga was already a prototype for a 3D headset with head tracker very similar to the Oculus Rift. So we always loved this genre of games and wanted to work on it and when it finally became successful there was no doubt we would follow up and improve it.
HTL: What types of game inspired you, and what sort of novels or movies (or TV shows) acted as muses in the development of the X-Series?
ES: There is always many sources of inspiration and most of the time you don’t even notice it unless you think about it like ten years later and analyze which books or movies really changed your life. Some that come to mind for me are definitely books like the Foundation books by Isaac Asimov or many other novels by him or Arthur C. Clarke, games like "Tradewars" which is a text based BBS game I played in the 80's or early 90's and movies like Blade Runner and 2001 a Space Odyssey.
HTL: There has been a dry spell for games of this genre and related genres in the last 5 years. How has this affected Egosoft and the X-Series?
ES: Not much at all. Our games actually built up quite solidly from year to year as we added more languages and more OS versions. But I definitely look forward to the upcoming new games, which promise to revive the genre. Not just ours.
HTL: Also, there has been a recent revival in this field, aside from the crowd-funding, what do you think helped in the current resurgence of interest in this genre?
ES: I think there are just irrational trends in the market, which are driven not by demand but more by supply. One developer makes a great zombie game and people are surprised that customers buy it so others make more zombie games.
Anyway... I never doubted that space games can be a major segment of the market. Star Wars is not exactly a niche and games in the space game genre were not innovative enough in the past. Games must provide solid fun game play experiences and space games have to be improved to provide that.
HTL: Buyers of the X SuperBox were able to get a copy of the latest expansion Albion Prelude when it was later released if they registered the game. It is usually unheard of to be given a future release in a bundle pack, what were the motivations for this and was this initially planned when the SuperBox was released?
ES: No it was not planned at all.
When we discussed making X3: Albion Prelude, the SuperBox was already in stores. But I felt that we would cheat on customers if we would release another X3 game and not include it in the SuperBox, because that box was promoted as the ultimate bundle of the "old" X series. You buy this to have the full package of all games.
HTL: Some of the older X-Series games used aggressive digital rights management software, but now a lighter touch is being used. What were the reasons to initially use these systems and what were the motivations in the shift of policy? Also, what measures are you using now?
ES: I was never a friend of complicated DRM methods, but they are sometimes a necessary evil. We have to make money with these games and a pirated version of your game available immediately after the initial release can seriously harm our sales.
But we always promised that we remove the DRM after not more than a year. This policy worked very well for all of our games since X2: The Threat. People have to bear with the DRM for a limited time but they know that they can later get a patch to remove it.
Removing any DRM is easier for games with a multiplayer element, but since we also release regular updates for our games, and these updates became more than just minor improvements, the X games are now also "semi" multiplayer worlds. We added online features for our own community at as well as special features just for Steam. Now you can even switch seamlessly between multiple machines with different operating systems and continue playing the X games on all of them. We hope that in the long run all of these added values will convince customers to buy our games and aggressive DRMs are not needed anymore.
HTL: Let’s us talk about your next project (due to be released this year), X Rebirth. What can you tell us about this title? What are the improvements you have implemented and what can players expect from it? Where are you planning to take the game and the setting with this latest release?
ES: X Rebirth is a complete redesign of the X games and space games in general.
We have been working on this project for six and a half years now and are trying nothing less than making space games a major contender on the game market again.
As much as we all love to continue adding features to the X3 games, there were so many things we could not do inside that framework. Take traveling for example: No matter how many ships we added to our sectors it was never crowded enough. Even with more than 20.000 ships in our universe which are all fully simulated, all trade real goods and fight or cooperate with each other it is still hard to create the density and feeling of city’s in space. Space on the other hand has to be big. Now how can you have endless sectors on the one hand and areas buzzing with life on the other but don’t slow the game down with never ending flights through emptiness? (Hint: You need to drastically change the structure of your universe and invent new methods of transportation).
Another obvious examples is of course making the game easier accessible to new players. Our games suffered too much from complicated menus which scared away new players.
You can get a lot more information about all of this in our forum thread here:
and in a series of youtube videos on our channel here:
HTL: What does the future hold for the X-Series after Rebirth? Any chances X: Online Universe becomes a reality? Any future projects you can share with us? Can we expect the Rebirth to have the same continued support we saw with the ‘trilogy’?
ES: Absolutely. X Rebirth is only the start of a new era of X games. We have big plans for this game and beyond. X Rebirth will be extended just like the X3 games were, if not more. After working for almost seven years, we first want to bring out version 1.0 and show it to our community. Then the discussion can start and we can decide together where we will take it in the future.
Traduction demain si j'ai le temps, il est 2h43 pour le moment chez moi !
Le lien ici :
Je n'ai pas vraiment lu, mais je crois que c'est pas trop trop centré X Rebirth (du moins le début). Je verrais tout ça demain...
"Absolutely. X Rebirth is only the start of a new era of X games. We have big plans for this game and beyond"
Bon, on y apprends pas des masses de trucs concernant rebirth.
Ce que j'ai retenu :
Ils sont très intéressés par l'oculus rift
Je suis pas sur d'avoir bien compris, mais je crois qu'il n'y aura pas de DRM. Le fait qu'ils patchs enormément leur jeu et offre une grande ouverture les protègent des hackeurs. Mais j'ai pas super bien compris le passage ou il dit qu'il y a un petit laps de temps avec DRM avant que ce soit patché, je sais pas si il parle d'avant ou de plus tard.
Il a pris pour exemple de chose qu'ils ne pouvaient pas faire dans x3 et qui sera dans Rebirth, c'est l'impression de densité. L'espace est toujours vide, meme avec 20k vaisseaux simulés dans l'univers X, pas de possibilité de donner une impression de trafic ou de ville spatiale. C'est pourquoi entre autres qu'ils sont partis sur de nouvelles bases.
Comme l'a cité King, Rebirth est une nouvelle base qu'ils comptent bien ameliorer de la meme façon qu'ils ont bossé sur X3. Ils ont enormément d'idées et de projets.
Plus qu'a espérer que le succès parmis les non fans de X soit au rendez vous.
Il parle aussi de SC, car ils parlent du retour du genre space sim, et il considère que SC et X Rebirth sont les 2 grands titres qui permettront le grand retour du genre.
Ok, un type m'a expliqué sur le fofo officiel : c'est en passant par steam la première année qu'ils font leur DRM (le jeu ne sera disponible que sur steam pendant un an), après ils patchent en donnant un exe lancable sans steam.
Jouer a Rebirth avec l'oculus rift
Et sinon je crois (comme je le crois déjà depuis longtemps) que le jeu va être exceptionnel
Merci pour la trad en tout cas
Quelqu'un pourrait m'expliquer ce qu'est l'oculus rift???
c'est bon g trouvé ;p
c'est le genre de truc qui, comme la 3D, t'exploses la retine ?
enfin je sais pas pourquoi je demande ça, c'est pas les producteurs qui vont nous le dire en toute franchise
Bon bah merci beaucoup pour la traduction.
Je pense que c'est un peut normal qu'ils travaillent autant sur les patch de X Rebirth que quand il y avait TC
Pour l'Oculus Rift je m'en fou un peut car bon déjà j'ai quelque doute sur les risques pour les yeux mais aussi pour le porte-feuille...
C'est clair qu'il est cher.
J'aimerais bien pouvoir le tester sur un salon un jour.
Et si on se contentait déjà du jeu on l'attend depuis suffisamment de temps
Tkt, lui c'est pour dans pas longtemps ^^.
Encore une fois merci pour ta traduction Cabrelbeuk.
Comme dit dans un autre topic, je le voit bien sortir vers septembre/octobre =)
Bonsoir !
alors oui l'occulus Rift, c'est une bonne nouvelle, perso j'hesite un peu a le prendre, vue que l'année prochaine il sortira en version ben ... HD quoi ...
Concernant la sortie Steam, c'est une super mauvaise nouvelle, non pas que j'ai quelque chose contre la plateforme de jeux video, non, mais j'ai un lien affectif avec le livret du jeu quoi, celui de X3 est une epave, une relique d'un autre age, mais j'y tiens plus que tout.
d'après dslyecxi sur Youtube. L'occulus ne tient pas vraiment ces promesses et c'est pas super pour l'instant.
Le livret est sur steam. Bien sur c'est mieux d'avoir un livret papier (surtout pour aller au toilette -.-). Mais pour se genre de jeux, sa tient dans une bible de toute façon.
Je croyais qu'ils allaient faire une version boite du jeu...
L'exécutable après c'est autre chose non
J'ai la version boite de Simcity, c'est juste qu'elle sert à rien
De plus, si ils pensent à une version collector, j'imagine qu'il y aure une version boite.
Normalement, il y a une version boîte de confirmée ... pour l’Allemagne. Pour les autres pays, c'est l'éditeur qui décidera.
"d'après dslyecxi sur Youtube. L'occulus ne tient pas vraiment ces promesses et c'est pas super pour l'instant."
J'ai pas envie de regarder les vidéos : globalement c'est quels truc qui ne lui plait pas ?
J'ai vu pas mal d'avis sur le net et je vois tout le temps que ça fonctionne très bien (on se croit vraiment dans le monde) mais la résolution est trop faible (ce qui est loin est flou).
La version FullHD devrait en partie régler ce problème, mais pour ne plus avoir de problèmes visuels il faudra attendre la version 8K (qui sortira dans 10 ans ).
Là je suis en train d'attendre l'annonce du devkit2, et c'est long, surtout que l'annonce des gros jeux compatible commence.