Can you speak French ? Oui ? Shut up the french xD
3609 8638 7966
Nom : Killua
Ville : Vacances
I go to the Ireland or in "Pays de Galles" in April, i'm happy
Pays de Galles is Wales in English. That's easier.
I will want go to the States
I do think that States suck. I do hate USA.
Seriously, why WILL you want to go to the U.S.A ?
«Praise to my father, Blessed by the water
Black night, dark sky, The devil's cry. »
Shut the FUCK up everyone you don't even know how to speak English!
Do you even know what thinking could be ?
Do you even know the level you're retarded ?
«Praise to my father, Blessed by the water
Black night, dark sky, The devil's cry. »
Skins is the best tv show ever and Effy Stonem rocks
Harry Potter > all , rage ?
I agree with you for Skins. I love Skins.
«Praise to my father, Blessed by the water
Black night, dark sky, The devil's cry. »
Skins of what ?
Firefox skins
No, the series, Skins.
«Praise to my father, Blessed by the water
Black night, dark sky, The devil's cry. »
you love ncis ?
I don't speak english, sorry mother feuk heure.
what a lovely language
j'me casse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is it
¡ Hola mis amigos!
oups sa c'est espagnole
Hello ! I am LeFouDesUfo ! In english traduction, that is crazyovni ! I walk on the forum long ! I love that forum, it is very pleasant and funny
I am noeliste and I hate h*ppistes
If i speak too good, it's because I make english européen at the school !
Go google traduction, bandes de noobs